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A month later....

Bryson Tiller| Pen Griffey

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Bryson Tiller| Pen Griffey.

After what happened she would never pick up the phone as I tried and tried again, I will literary stop by her crib but she's never there it's just crazy that I thought we were back together but we aren't but I will try harder. I released the tour dates for my tour for Trapsoul and my last performance is in Louisville so yeah Britney got this under control, cause I want my girl back.

 I released the tour dates for my tour for Trapsoul and my last performance is in Louisville so yeah Britney got this under control, cause I want my girl back

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Bridgett Brown| Bri.

"You're indeed pregnant!" doctor told me.

I was shocked that I was having a second child and I have to tell Bryson. I thought I was having a cold or something, I didn't want to think about me being pregnant but I knew all the symptoms. I have to tell my family once again, I don't want them to look at me differently when I tell them that I am having a baby with my second ex-boyfriend.

After that, the doctor prescribed me some vitamins to take and all that jazz.




"So is everything alright?" Britney asked.

She was waiting to see if I was pregnant or not.

"I am pregnant ... Again!" I told her.

"OMG, you have to tell Bryson!" Britney told me.

"I know but." I trailed off.

"But what?" Britney questioned.

"I don't want him stressing about me being pregnant knowing he's doing his music career," I stated.

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