Chapter Thirteen

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Chapter Thirteen

Normal POV

           I wake up and whimper from the pain between my legs making me immediately remembering what happened last night. I blush and look next to me to see Talon still asleep. I kiss his shoulder softly before moving to get up before two strong arms wrapped around me and pulled me back, making me gasp. "Where do you think you are going little girl?" growls Talon in a husky voice in my ear. I shiver slightly and he kisses my shoulder while his hand lightly rubs my thighs where his shirt had ridden up. "I-I wanted to g-go get dressed." I say before he rolls me over and climbs on top of me. "Nope little one. You are staying in this bed because I wasn't done with you last night, but I knew you needed rest. But daddy isn't done with you." he whispers against my lips before bruising my lips with his. I moan as he grinds his cock against my bare pussy. His boxers creating an amazing friction. His hands hold my hips tightly before he pulls away and sits up to look down at me. He smirks before leaning over to grab the bottle of chocolate sauce and holds in front of me. He takes one of my hands and pours some chocolate over it. His eyes lock with mine as he slowly licks and sucks each finger clean. My pussy dampens and I clench my thighs to try and ease the ache. He licks all the chocolate off my hand and starts to lift the shirt I had on before a knock is heard at the door. He groans and closes his eyes, be grunting out a "What?" I blush and pull the covers up over myself. "Boss.. you need to get to your office... it Loretti." says a male voice from outside the door. I watch as Talons face darkens and he immediately gets up. "Talon?" I question quietly as he slips on some sweats and a shirt. He just kisses my head and walks out. His aura looked deadly so I didn't question him further.

Talons POV

             As soon as I heard the name Loretti, I was angry. As much as I wanted to be with my girl, I couldn't avoid this. He had threatened her and my family, and I wasn't going to take it lying down. I wasn't the head on the mafia for nothing. I walk into my office to see Liam and Luca waiting for me. I nod and Liam puts the phone on speaker. "Loretti." I growl out as I start to pace. "Hello Talon. How was your family dinner last night? I bet it was delicious. Especially that sweet little thing you had for dessert. How was she?" he laughs into the phone making me ball my fists in rage. "What the fuck do you want Loretti!" I growl out as I keep pacing. It's quiet for a minute before I hear him speak again. "I want you to marry my daughter. What else? And once you do that, maybe I will forgive you for hurting her. You are lucky she begged me not to kill you. If it were up to me, I would kill you and make your family eat your flesh before I killed them as well." he chuckles darkly. "Now I want to set a meeting to go over the details of this marriage. Let's say, Saturday 3pm at Rosie's diner." I sigh and growl loudly before I punch the wall. "No way in hell will I marry your whore of a daughter! You will not be able blackmail me or bribe me to marry her. I will kill you and your disgusting family and pitiful gang before you have the chance to even breath my name again." I hang up and sit in my chair. I look at Liam and Luca. "We need to up the security around the house and around the women. I have no idea how he knew we were at dinner but I want you to call in Tristan to make sure the cameras are safe." they nod and sit on the couch. "Boss, it might be a good idea to give Lily extra guards. I feel like that J guy works for Loretti, and my gut is telling me she will be in danger." Liam says while Luca nods. "I agree. Have Fallon and Brax come to my office Luca. Liam can you Get Lily? I need to make a call. Bring her here." They nod and leave the office. 

      I use my cellphone to call someone I never thought I would have to call in a long time. "Cain. We have a situation that I need you here for. How soon can you get back to the compound?" I ask. "I'll be there in the next 5 hours Talon. We will discuss the details when I get there." Cain says gruffly into the phone before we both hang up. I sigh and run a hand over my face before hearing a knock on my door. "Come in." In walks Luca with Fallon and Brax. Fallon was tall and lanky, but was one of the best guards I had. Brax was the complete opposite. He was built like a house, he was a Samoan man who had been trained by the old Don. He could take a hit and give it back ten-fold. "Sir, I brought them." says Luca. I nod and motion for them to sit. "I want you both to choose men to watch the women. I want you both to be on Lily. She will be your top priority from now on. Got it?" they nod and stand up once we all hear another knock. 

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