Chapter Thirty One

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Thirty one

Talon POV

I sat in my office all day going over plans and paperwork to try and find the piece of shit that hurt my girl, made her feel less then what she was. When I finally finished and went to look for her to get her ready for the auction tonight, I couldn't help but smile as I heard her laughter coming from the library. I stand in the doorway and listen to the insults and cheesy pick up lines be flung around from her, Liam and Luca. I knew they saw her as a younger sister and didn't mean harm or disrespect to her as a person. "You aren't a snack but a whole ass meal... can I have a bite?" Liam says and I decide to speak up. Watching her cheeks flush sent blood straight down to my groin. Once she is ready for dinner it was hard to keep my hands to myself. She looked so perfect. So deliciously perfect in that dress. We all eat, talking about what to expect and our hopes for the night. I looked at my best friend and could feel the anxiety flowing off him in waves. I kiss Lily's head and nod to Liam to join me in the living room. I poured him a glass of whiskey and then one for myself as we sit on the couch, putting the glass bottle of whiskey on the coffee table.

"Liam. What's bugging you? You know I can tell when something is bothering you. We have been friends for many years. I know you better then anyone else." I tell him and sip at the drink. He sighs and knocks back the drink before pouring another one for himself. "I'm scared man. I know you won't judge me but I don't know about the others. And what if I can't find someone who will want me back. Who will accept me for everything I am." he shares and I nod. "Liam. You are my friend, basically my brother. Honestly I would trade Axel for you any day. But if the person you chose can't accept you for you, then I will keep helping you until you do. You know Lily won't judge you. She adores you. And you were there for her when I couldn't be. You helped her get through what happened to her. She is stronger because of you." I tell him and smirk. "And I mean come on, wouldn't it be fun to tease our little's together? To see them cling to each other as we take them over and over again until they beg us to stop?" I tell him and he laughs while shaking his head. "I swear Talon if I didn't know any better I would think you were a man whore." He laughs and I can't help but chuckle. "Don't stress Liam. We will keep looking even if we don't find you a little boy tonight. I promise." I say and finish my drink. Lily come running in and smiles. "Daddy! LiLi! I finished dinner! Are we going soon?" she asks and plops herself on my lap. "Soon baby. Go give Liam a hug." I say and kiss her cheek before patting her butt softly. She nods and jumps onto his lap to hug him. He hugs her back and gives me a smile as he holds her.

Normal POV

I hug Liam tightly, my hands rubbing his back softly. "Thank you little one. I feel better now. Are you excited?" Liam asks and I nod like a bobble head. "I am! I hope we can find you and Amelia and Jack little's. I want you guys to be happy. And I want new friends!" I say and he pets my head while smiling. "Sounds perfect little one. Now do you want me to do your hair?" he asks and I nod. He moves me to face daddy and takes the scrunchies off my wrist. He lifts my hair and brushes it up into pigtails. 

We talk for awhile until it was time to leave for the auction. Talon lifts me into the SUV and buckles me up befor going to the other side to get in. Liam and Luca were in the front while Amelia and Jack sat in the third row behind us. The drive wasn't too long, maybe an hour. When we arrived at the estate, we were helped out of the car by some men in suits, who made us go through a metal detector. Talon keeps a tight grip on my hand, making sure I stayed close to him. "Ah Talon. Good to see you again. Liam. Luca. Nice to see you as well." Says a man who was as tall as them and wore a black suit. "Gabriel. How are you?" Talon asks as they shake hands. The man, Gabriel, looked down and smiles at me. "And who is this pretty little thing? I'm Gabriel little girl." he says and holds out his hand to me. I look up at Talon who nods at me. I put my hand in Gabriel's and smile. "I'm Lily. Nice to meet you Gabriel." I say shyly as he smiles back. "She is my little. So no funny idea's" Talon says while Gabriel laughs. "No worries about that. You know I got married to my own submissive last year. Ah speak of the devil. Estelle come here my love." Gabriel says and holds out his hand. A beautiful half asian woman comes over. She wore a dark red gown with her hair pinned back with chopsticks. "Hi love. Oh Talon nice to see you." she says and smiles before they kiss cheeks. "Ah. And who is this?! Did you finally find the one? She is adorable!" She says and takes my hands in hers with a wide smile, making me blush. "Estelle this is Lily. My little and my girl." Talon says and pulls me closer with his arm around my waist. 

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