Chapter Thirty Six

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Chapter Thirty Six

Talon POV

I watch as my girl swims around with Marley, Zach, Axel, Amelia and Jack. I sit back on a lounge chair sipping a beer with Luca, Liam, Margo and Cain. "She seems to be in a better place lately. She told me she is having less nightmares and isn't looking over her shoulder feeling unsafe." Luca says as he leans back and crosses his ankles. Margo sighs and nods as Cain rubs her back. "It will be a constant struggle. But yes she is doing better. She will be on a continuous upswing from here, with some bumps in the road. She needs us to be her support and help guide her when the darkness becomes too much for her." Margo says as she swirls her wine around in her glass. Jaxon was sleeping in the house, the baby moniter close by in case he woke up. I nod and sip at my beer. "I know she will sleep better, and so will I, once I catch that bastard. After what he did to her, to our family, I want him to suffer. I just have to find him first." I growl lowly. Cain nods while Liam's hands clench into fists. "I have an idea. But I don't think you will like it very much." Liam says quietly and we all look at him. "What is it?" Cain asks as I squeeze Liam's shoulder. "We use Jennifer. We find a way to go through her to find Jackson... I know she is a whore and will most likely be a bitch, but if we can use her to find him.. then we can assure he won't hurt her or anyone else again. I'm not a fan of the idea, but since it was her father who hired him.." Liam starts and looks down at the beer in his hand. I groan and lean forward, resting my elbows on my knees as I watch Lily laugh and get thrown into the water by Jack and then Axel. "I have thought about that myself. I won't lie... But I want to discuss with Lily all options and see what she thinks before I make a final choice. I refuse to put her ina position where she will be upset or put in worse danger." I say and they nod. "Talon.. I know that you worry about her. About everyone, holding the world on your shoulders. But I need you to know that no matter what happens, I will make sure to get her away if things go south." Margo says and reach over to squeeze my arm. I look at her confused, making her look at Cain who nods. "My Père is a man of.... Power as well. He has offered his support to get Lily and all innocents out of the country for safety. My grand frère said he would come to help my new family to win a battle if needed as well." (Father. Older brother.)

I look at her in surprise as she speaks, having no idea she came from a family like mine. "He's a good man her father. Scary but good." Cain says and a look of slight fear fills his face before disappearing. Luca let's out a small whistle and laughs. "The day I see Cain scared of someone, is the day I fear for my own life!" He laughs making everyone chuckle. Static comes from the baby moniter before we hear a cry. "I got him." Cain says as he kisses Margo's temple and gets up to check on their baby. "Just let me know and I can have Lily, Zach, Marley, Amelia and Axel on a plane to Paris to be safe." Margo says softly and I nod. "I might take you up on that offer Margo. I need her to be safe when I go after this man. He hurt her so bad that I want to torture him before I end his life. You have been doing so much for us. You know I can never repay you for your help." I tell her honestly and she waves me off dismissively. "No need to. Lily has helped me as well. And you gave me Cain, who gave me a beautiful baby and a happy home. Just know that she will always be safe even if you aren't with her. She is my family too and I will protect her. Papa said he will be calling soon, I will talk more with him. He will want to talk with you as well at some point." She says and I nod turning to watch my girl laugh and shriek in happiness with her friends.

After hearing about Margo's family, I couldn't stop thinking about what she said. Could I really send Lily to France to stay safe while I hurt down her rapist? The answer was simple. I could in a heartbeat if it meant that she would be safe and away from harm. I sigh and run a hand over my face as I look out the window in the living room, out at the dark yard. I hear footsteps and turn to see Tristan standing in the doorway looking frazzled. The poor boy had been working hard, hacking and contacting our business partners to try and find Jackson. "Talon... I may have found a lead, but I need another hacker to help me. I know someone who can help but you would need to contact his employer." he says and I nod. "Who?" I ask as I sip at the glass of whiskey in my hand. "Gabriel has a guy name Shaun in his employ. Shaun and I go back to when we were kids, he is the only one I know who can keep up and help." Tristan says and I sigh. "Ok. He wanted to meet up anyway. Once I get the ok, I will get you Shaun and you will find this guy. And when you do, and I kill him, you will get a fucking fat paycheck and a 6 week vacation plus a car and house. Thank you." I tell him honestly and he rubs the back of his neck and blushes. "Yes sir. Also one other thing. I kept tabs on her incoming emails and Phone calls from her old phone. He parents are trying to contact her." He says and I drop the glass of alcohol, making the crystal glass shatter on the floor. "Shit. Give me their number." I say and he holds out a sticky note with the numbers written down. "Fuck." I whisper and sigh. 

I go to look for aunt J and Alan, finding them sitting on the back deck. "I have a problem." I tell them honestly as they look at me confused. "Her parents are calling her old phone, the one Jackson hacked into to find her. I have their number, but what should I have her tell them? I know you guys never shared what I do with people, but this is her parents." I say and sit in a chair across from them. Alan hums softly and Jenny wrings her hands together nervously. We sit in silence for a few minutes, mulling over what I just said. "I think.. I think you should tell them the truth. I know her parents. They love her and if they know you are keeping her safe, they will feel better knowing she is in all our care. But I don't recommend bringing up what happened to her." Jenny says and Alan nods slowly. I sigh and nod. "You are right. I just don't want our first interaction being them thinking I defiled their daughter and am using her like a whore." I tell them nervously. I'm not normally someone who feels fear, but talking to her parents sent fear flooding my heart. Jenny puts her hand on my arm and squeezes it softly. "You will be fine. Her father is a hard man but he wants his daughter to be happy, which she is with you. Don't worry so much." She says and I nod. I get up and hug my aunt before kissing her head. "Thank you. I'm going to go tell Lily." I say before walking back inside. 

I hear a yelp before crying, and run to where I thought the sound was coming from to see Lily and Zach sitting on the floor, holding their feet as Marley looks horrified. "What the hell happened?!" I yell as I rush over to check on them. Blood was pouring out of their feet and all over their hands. I look to see they had walked over the broken glass I had dropped earlier. I curse under my breath and lift them both up into my arms. "Marley can you go get Liam and tell him to get the first aid kit? Then tell him to meet me in the bathroom?" I tell the shaking girl who nods and hurries out of the room. "Shhhh I got you both. Its ok. I know it hurts. Lets go get you both cleaned up." I tell them as I hold them on my hips and walk to the bathroom. I set them on the counter and turn on the sink, making them put their feet in the basin to wash the blood off so I could see the damage. Both littles shook and sniffled as I rinsed off their injured feet. Liam rushes in holding a red kit in his hand, dropping it on the counter as he cups Zachs cheeks and wipes under his eyes before kissing him softly. "What happened? I let you guys be on your own for not even 10 minutes and you got hurt!" Liam growls, making them both flinch and look down. "It's my fault. I got some news and dropped a glass and didn't clean it up right away." I say and Liam turns to look at me before throwing a right hook at my face, hitting me square in the eye. I grunt and stumble back, holding my eye. "You fucker! You should know better!" Liam roars making Lily and Zach flinch and whimper. "D-Daddy... I-It was our own fault... we were playing tag and ran in the room... P-Please don't yell at Talon." Zach whimpers as Liam raises his fist to hit me again. He stops and turns to face them. "I'm sorry baby. Lily. I got scared. Marley said you guys were bloody and I got worried." He says and kisses their heads. Lily sniffles and holds Zachs hand in hers, as they both nod.

Liam and I work together to clean the glass shards from their feet and bandage them up. Marley came and stood at the door with Amelia and Jack. "I-I'm sorry." she whispers as she rubs her eyes making us look at her. "It's ok Marley. You were very brave and helped them. You did good sweetheart." I tell her and she nods while sniffling.

We all decide to get the to bed, but they all didn't want to leave each other, so we agreed they could all sleep together in Lily's room. I sit on my bed with my head in my hands. My eye throbbing from where Liam hit me. "Fuck... fuck." I mutter and get up to go into the bathroom. I look in the mirror to see the bruise forming already. I sigh and splash cold water on my face to try and calm down. I walk to Lily's room, to check on them. Lily was on the edge closest to the door, Marley in the middle and Zach on the other side. I kiss her head and brush some hair from her face. I twisted me up inside to know she got hurt again because of me. I watch her sleep a little longer before walking to Cain's room. I knock on the door and Margo opens it, dressed in a robe while holding and burping Jaxon while Cain laid on the bed reading. "How are they?" she asks and lets me in. "Sleeping. They are ok. I feel like shit for not cleaning up the glass. Margo... I want you to tell your dad that we are going to need that flight as soon as possible." I say and look down. "Talon don't tell me you are doing what I think you are going to do." Cain says as he puts his book down and stands up. "It's the only way to keep her safe. I have to." I say defeatedly. My mind made up I left their room and walked back to mine. I pulled open the writing desk to see the large bottle of whiskey and two glasses. I pour a glass and down it before taking the bottle and drinking straight from it as I walk to stand in front of the window. I drank the entire bottle as I thought about what was going to happen over the next few days, gladly getting drunk to try and numb the ache in my heart

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