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"Can you do that?" His slightly taller and mascular body was covering the whole of ginger and the shorter couldn't be bothered, instead he raised his chin challenging-ly, still maintaining a fierce gaze in his oceanic green eyes, a small smirk tugged at his lips along with a raise in his eyebrow.

"So we have to basically act like a couple and whoever falls first, loses?" He questioned back, taking a step behind, leaning against the wall that was situated there, his chin still held high and eyes boring into the other's.

"Mhm." The blond said and his eyebrow twitched up, challenging-ly, silently asking the brunet whether he accepted or not and took a step forward, slamming his hands on the wall, right next to the brunet's head, their lips mere centimeters apart, their breath mingling together.

The next thing he knew, a pair of soft pink lips crashed on his, kissing him vigorously as if there was no tomorrow, warm hands slipping under the hem of his muscle T and resting on his waist. The touch of warm skin on skin, slightly turned the blond on, eliciting a husky moan from his lips.

"Sure. Would love to." The brunet whispered as soon as their lips were away from the other's and they were inhaling deep, their eyes still closed from the previous feeling. The brunet leaned in again and brushed his tongue along the other's lip and rested the muscle over their redness. He pulled Ben towards himself and ground against him, roughly. The blond had a semi in his pants and a satisfied smirk plastered itself on the brunet's lips. He ignored his own erection and slipped from under Ben's hands.

"See you soon, lover boy." Joe mumbled under his breath, but was soon a pair of hands placed themselves on his shoulder and a body pressed itself over his back.

"See you soon, love." And he was gone. Joe scoffed at him and proceeded to find Rami.


"You have to be shitting me!" The raven haired boy exasperated with eyes as big as saucers, his lips hung open in a look of shock and awe.

"Nope. That really happened." Joe said smugly and touched his lips with the tip of his fingers, smirking as he recalled the memories.

"I see why people like kissing him. I can assure you, that bastard is a damn good kisser." He mused and licked his still swollen lips, biting at the bottom one as he thought of a few evil plans to tease Ben.

"So. . .?"

"So what?"

"Give me the fucking details, bitch. What happened? How did all this happened?" Rami said as he plopped down on a chair at the very end of the cafe.

"So apparently, he had heard a lot about me, based on all the things he told me about myself and wanted to challenge me." He said with a nonchalant shrug and plopped down as well, looking around at all the faces to find a good, fuckable one.


"And he asked me to play a little game with him. We have to talk daily, give nicknames and all the shit couple do, we have to go on dates and kiss and hug and all that and by the end of it, whoever falls for the other, first, loses." He sighed dejectedly when no face appealed him in the slightest and folded his arms on the table, placing his chin on them and looking at Rami from under his eyelashes.

"This is going to be amazing! Two of the most popular rival playboys of our college, messing around with each other! Beautiful! It's gonna be fabulous to spectate." Rami said excitedly and once he received a smirk from the other, he knew immediately how this was going to end up.

"So, you going to stop sleeping around?" Rami asked the brunet and was surprised when the other burst out in a fit of laughter, gaining the attention of people around him.

"Are you serious right now? No fucking way!" He said and hid his face in his hands as his laugh subsided into small giggles.

"I should've expected that." Rami said with a sigh, a fond smile over his lips as he shook his head.

Joe flashed him the most innocent smile he could muster up and was smacked in the back of head at the action, wincing as the hit shot a wave of pain through him.


The cafe was filled with students from their own college as the two of them sat in silence, sipping on their respective drinks, sharing small conversations.

There was the usual ding of the bell above the cafe door, indicating someone's arrival and a huge swamp of students, boys really, walked in, making a complete mess of the place, having no manners and catcalling the girls sitting around, screaming for the waiter and talking at an extremely loud volume. Joe groaned at the sudden noise and hid his face behind his palm.

"Oi." He heard someone call out, not sure who it was or who the person was calling but he looked up and saw the familiar oceanic green eyes and those same red lips, smirking his way, a smirk of his own forming at Joe's lips.

Rami turned around and saw the blond, grinning like an idiot at Joe and wiggling his eyebrows. Joe rolled his eyes at Rami and looked back to the blond, his smirk, very evident and a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Two minutes in the staring and they were already eye-fucking each other, gawking at their own bottom lips and licking them continuously, making them swollen from as a result.

Joe turned his face to the side and directed his eyes towards the washroom in the cafe, silently hinting at it, making Rami groan out loud. He received a very smug nod from the blond. He winked at the blond and made his way to the washroom, swaying his hips a little extra because he could feel the blond's eyes on him.

When he was finally in, he waited and once when the door to the washroom opened, he smirked as he saw the fluff of blond hair entering and pulled the taller by his forearm, pushing him in a stall and immediately slamming his lips on the other's.

He pinned the taller to the wall and slipped his hands in his blond hair, tugging at them and eliciting a moan from him. They made out like teenagers for minutes, skin on skin and at some point, they both shed their T's exposing a lot more of skin and basking the the warmth of their lips and skins. They made out till their lips stung in a good way and were chapped, still they couldn't stop.

"Get the fuck out you bitch! We have to leave! And you are paying for the coffee!" It was Rami. Joe could give a lesser fuck about and Rami and instead focused on kissing the blond and tasting his tongue. There were loud bangs on the stall door which made the blond groan and pull away.

Joe rolled his eyes and opened the door, seeing a fuming Rami turning in a shy one as he noticed that both the boys were half naked.

The blond noticed his shyness and pulled Joe towards himself, probing his tongue immediately into the others mouth and sucking on his lips messily. There was drool everywhere and soon they heard shuffling. Rami was walking away.

"Wait! I'm coming!" He called out to the other.

"You sure will be coming soon." Ben said smugly and pulled Joe towards himself yet again and latched his lips to his neck, creating a bruise over the skin eliciting a small moan from him.

"Would love hear you moan my name."

"Keep dreaming, lover boy." Joe said and grabbed both of their t-shirts slipping on his own and then Ben's, which a size too big on him.

"Borrowing this!" He called out, leaving Ben a smug mess behind in the stall, also half naked.

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