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"I won't talk to you if you say no." Lucy said in a soft voice, her features filled with a mischievous glance and a playful smirk, complimented with her red tinted cheeks that were caused due to the excitement she was feeling to trick Joe.

"Lucy. . ." Joe said carefully, no sure where she was going with this conversation they were having. He was sure that she was planning something stupid, the expression on her face said so clearly and he wasn't sure if he wanted to be included in her plans.

"So, I have a little plan. I know for a fact that your birthday nearing and also that we all have a free schedule on the following days. I have a little surprise planned out for you. Are you in?"

"No. . ." He said hesitantly. He knew they were free so he actually wanted to spend the time with his family.

"Please!" She whined, desperately wanting Joe to say yes.

"I'm going back home on that day." Hestated as a matter fact and saw a frown appear in Lucy's lips, her eyes losing the gleam they had in them. She looked at Joe with puppy eyes and Joe audibly groaned at her tactics.

"Lucy, do not give me that look." He said and looked at her, his features slowly softening into somewhat of a smile.

"Next time. I promise, okay?"


"Mom, really? Why?" Joe whined a little, his tone coming out a little high pitched and his lips extending in a pout, his eyes droopy as her heard his mom tell him the news.

"Yes, dear. Aunt Susy invited me over and you know how persuasive she can be. I can't not say no to her. Also, she has been sick for a few days and if she invited me over, then I'll also be able to take care of her for a little while. That poor thing lives alone and has no one to-"

"Okay. Fine." Joe said with the whine still laced to his voice, his pout even more evident after hearing his mom rambling on about his aunt. He really did want to spend time home and eat homemade food from his mom.

"I'm sorry dear." He could hear the genuine sadness in her voice which made his pout a little softer, almost turning it into a smile. Well, mom always had that charm.

"Yeah. It's okay. Tell her I said hi." He said with a small smile, not wanting to be angry at his mom because she was as innocent as a dove. It wasn't her fault.

"Sure. Bye. Love you."

"Love you too. See you soon." He said and ended the call with a sigh, flinching when two hands placed themselves on his eyes and a chin was placed on his head.

"Guess who?" The blonde said in a sing-song tone.

"Hello to you too." Joe mumbled, his smile widening at Lucy's little antics.

"Turn that pout. . .upside down? Maybe? But pout can't be turned anywhere. It's a pout. So, how should I frame it? Hm." She muttered to herself, audibly thinking about what phrase she could use make Joe laugh or at least smile.

"Okay. I get it what you are trying to say. Continue and kindly explain why we're you eavesdropping?" Joe said in a suspicious voice, squinting his eyes and putting on a posh accent as asked her the question.

"Oh, I wasn't doing that."

"Really?" He squinted his eyes till he couldn't see anymore and Lucy sighed.

"I heard a little bit but I really don't know what conversation you were having with your mum." She said, innocently shrugging her shoulders, and slumping a little as she relaxed.

"Well a good news for you and a bad one for me."

"Proceed." Lucy said as she waited in anticipation.

"I won't be going back home to my birthday. So, maybe I'll join to where you were gonna take me. I have no clue where but I hope you aren't some murderer who had been befriending me only to slash my throat on my birthday." He said in a gloomy little tone, making Lucy giggle at his little narration and engulf him in a tight hug.

"If I was a murderer, I wouldn't wait for so long." She slowly whispered in his ear, sending a creep up his spine. He audibly and visibly cringed at her solemn voice and dark aura.

"Also, I wouldn't slash your throat. I would cut you down in pieces and feed them to vultures." She casually said as she sat back down and relaxed herself as if these were the casual conversations, friends had.

"Okay, my death or rather, murder aside, where are you gonna take me?" Joe asked as tried, keyword tried, to push the images, of Lucy cutting his body up in pieces and throwing them, away.

"Its a surprise. I can't tell you. And if you try and ask anyone, including Rami, Gwil or Ben, I will hunt you down." She said the last part of the sentence in a serious voice, her look hardening as she stares into Joe's soul. A smile erupted over her face as she stood up and gave him a small wave as she left him all alone, his thoughts crowded with Lucy being so fucking weird and insane that she would run around chasing people, cutting them in half.

But, she was too sweet to actually do that and she had enough moral to know what's wrong and write.

The other thing that stuck out the most to him was when Lucy mentioned Ben. He was joining them on this trip? Really?

Great, just great. When Joe thought that he would receive some time to thing about all the things with Ben, thing about how he would tackle the situation and actually tell Ben that they could start anew, a new story between them, he wouldn't even be getting that time anymore. Great.

Oh, also, he would never in a million years admit this in front of Lucy but he was excited to see what she had in store for him. He'll just have to wait.

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