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"I'm sorry." Ben whispered, looking at the brunet standing close to him, his eyes wavering from the brunet to his legs and back to his eyes.

"Its alright." Joe mumbled but still focused on the papers he held in his hands. His eyes meetings Ben's only once in the whole minute of awkward silence.

'Why wasn't Gwilym opening the fucking door?' Joe though to himself as he and Ben stood awkwardly in front of his house(his parents house). Joe even brought Gwil the assignment he wanted. That ungrateful long legged fool.

When Joe was about to give up, the door slammed open with Lucy smiling at the pair in front of her, her face shining with glee. She was still smiling when she moved inside without a word, allowing the boys inside.

"Gwil was playing his guitar so I didn't want to get up and disturb him. Sorry for the wait." She apologized, the smile still plastered over her features.

"Its fine, Luce." Joe looked at her and smiled back because her smile was so contagious. Ben only nodded and followed Lucy and Joe to Gwil's room, where they could hear the muffled noise of him tuning his guitar. When the trio entered, Rami and Gwil looked at them and smiled.

"Play something for us." Lucy chimed as all of them joined Rami on the floor, Gwil seated on a beanbag, his guitar held closely. Lucy's features excited to hear Gwil play a song. Gwil chuckled at her excitement.

"Sure." He muttered and looked back at the neck of his guitar, getting in the stance to start playing. When he strum the first chords, a smile lit up Joe's face because he loved this song.

Vincent by Don McLean.

It was a beautiful song. He loved the softness of it. And without knowing, he started humming along with Gwil's guitar and when he finally realized, he also noticed the smile on Rami's face directed at him. Rami slowly mumbled 'sing' urging Joe to go on and sing.

He rolled his eyes with a fond smile and placed the assignment papers aside, getting ready to sing.


"Yay! That was amazing." Lucy cheered as Gwil ended the song. Rami nodded with a smile.

"Alright I'm hungry!" Rami screeched and got up before bolting to the kitchen. Gwil's eyes widened and he carefully placed his guitar on its stand.

"Wait, I do not trust you enough for you to make something in my kitchen. What if you burn it down?" Gwil said as he chased after the shorter. Lucy and Joe looked at two smiling, Ben still shunned after hearing Joe sing.

"Luce! Help!" Not two second later cames Gwil's voice. Lucy shook her head and rushed to the kitchen. Joe was pretty sure, he heard Lucy scold Rami but he didn't address it.

"I didn't know you could sing." Ben told Joe, looking at the shorter with fond eyes. Joe looked up at Ben, he hummed looking back down at his hands.

Why was Ben trying to make conversations? He knew what he said was stupid and dumb and Joe needed some time but why was he trying to push it.

"Joe. I'm really sorry for what I said the other day." Ben mumbled and Joe heard him because the room was quiet as they were the only ones there.

"Its okay Ben-"

"I really am sorry. I didn't know what came over me. I shouldn't have said that. I'm sorry. Please forgive me?" Ben looked at Joe with hopefule eyes, his lips in between his teeth, getting bitten in anticipation.

"Why did you say it? You weren't in the position to say what you said. We hadn't even greeted each other properly, we weren't still having a proper conversation and you knew it. Still why did you say what you said? You-"

"I was jealous, okay?" Ben said in a slightly louder voice to stop Joe from rambling on. When his mind was back on track and he saw Joe's wide eyes, he realized that he just revealed his truth.

"You? What. . .?" Joe trailed off, his voice queting down as he processed Ben's words, his fingers fumbling with each other and lips twitching, not knowing whether to smile or to frown. Was he serious? Joe would fucking kill him if he started laughing saying he was joking. Joe was serious. He wouldn't hesitate to kill Ben, well he will but. . .

"Yes. I-I was jealous, okay? It had been months since I saw you and when I finally did, you were. . .texting someone and i couldn't gather up my feelings and words cause I missed you and I wanted to tell you that but we were awkward and weren't talking and-"

"Shut up." Joe said softly as he looked Ben in the eye, his lips twitching, trying to contain the grin that was about to spread across his lips. He cut Ben off, stopping his rambling, making the blond look at him with a slight confusion, slight fear and slight hesitancy, for some reason.

They both stared at each other without any words spoken, taking in the other's features and looks and their eye colour and their skin and their hair-

"Rami! You fuck! Never enter my kitchen. Never."

Those words broke them out of their stare, fucking Gwilym(we love our gentle giant). Ben looked at the door, fixing his posture as he waited for the three of them to come in the room. Joe took hold of the papers because he wanted to distract himself from Ben and everything about him.

"Gwil!" Joe exclaimed to get his attention when he entered into the room with Lucy and Rami in toe, Rami's hand held a plate of mac n cheese. What the hell happened in the fucking kitchen? He handed Gwil the assignment sheets and sat back down comfortably, ready for what was about to come.


In the matter of two hours, for some reason, Gwil was reading a book to all of them and Rami was curled up in a ball with his head on Lucy's lap, Joe rested against the beanbag Gwil was sat on and Ben on the window sill of the open window.

P.S-Gwil was reading them a graphic murder novel that actually made Rami fall asleep. They were truly weird people!

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