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"Have you slept together yet?" Rami asked Joe while nipping on the edge of the book, a habit he had picked up from somewhere. Joe choked on the air, coughing as he processed the question by Rami. He kept on coughing for a long time, just to avoid the question and not answer it.

"Here." Joe heard the blond's voice and turned around to look at him, only to see him smile with water bottle in his extended hand. Joe slowly reached forward and grabbed the bottle, only to have their fingers brush together. Ben smirked down at Joe who was sat on a chair, along with Rami staring at the scene in front of him.

When Joe tried to pull the bottle towards himself, Ben wouldn't leave it, so their hand were left on the bottle, their skins brushing as they stared at the other.

"What are you doing?" Joe asked with gritted teeth as he looked back at Rami and then at their hands, almost touching. He quickly left the bottle, turning around, away from Ben who was still smirking down at him.

"I'll see you around, love." Ben whispered, leaning down towards Joe's ear and pressing a light peck, sending a shiver down his spine and a blush over his cheeks, which was crazy because Joe never blushed!

Maybe when he was a teen, maybe. But not now, not ever. He didn't blush but he was flushed red, apparently. Joe looked down, trying to hide his face as he looked under the table, pretending to check his shoes and when he looked up, he could clearly see the smug look over Rami's face, a smug smile and the mischievous glint in his sparkling eyes. His face still felt warm from the blush and he really was fucked.

"So you did." Rami nonchalantly stated as he looked at his book and then back up at Joe.

"What did we do?" Joe asked back, shrugging his shoulders, trying to relax himself.

"You fucked!" Rami shrieked, gaining a few people's attention.

"Um, what! Huh, um-" He was cut up from his stuttering when he heard a bell go off, single them for their class.

"Oh, bell! 'Kay bye!" Joe said as he got to his feet and dashed to his class, not wanting to face Rami at all. He hated whatever was happening. He blushed! Rami was being stupid! Ben kissed him in in public! He shuddered! What the fuck!


"Joe stop!" Rami called out as he saw the auburn walking briskly with his head down, trying to hide his face but failing miserably. The brunet couldn't face Rami, he was way too embarrassed to look the other in the eye. In his haze of thoughts, he stumbled upon his own foot and crashed to the ground, thankfully, being able to save his head from banging on the ground and having a concussion.

Rami ran to him and helped him to his feet, grabbing onto his forearm in the process to prevent him from running away.

"Why are you running?"[Heheh!] He questioned the other and grabbed onto his jaw when the brunet refused to answer his question, turning his head to look at him.

"Ow!" Joe shrieked at the sudden harsh grab and swatted his hand away, rubbing his jaw with a pained expression.

"What happened? You are ignoring me!" Rami said, exasperated, as slight hurt dropped from his words.

"I was-" Joe stopped and sighed, finally, coyly looking at Rami, still embarrassed.

"You were what?"

"Embarrassed!" He spat like it was venom, feeling further more embarrassed but hoping Rami wouldn't say anything, or judge him.

"I see." Rami said tentatively and then flashed a mischievous smirk to Joe. The brunet looked at his stupid name-sake best friend. He arched his eyebrow, waiting for Rami to make complete sense.

"Getting flustered by him, are we?" Rami smirked at him, getting smacked him the head instantly and wincing at the sudden strong impact.

"Shut up you fuck!" Joe whisper yelled.

"But, you're lying right? You slept together." Rami stated, wanting to push Joe to the limits and receive the truth.

"No!" He whisper yelled yet again, finally telling Rami.

"What! Why?"

"I don't know." Joe said tentatively, not sure why Rami was pressing on to the same question.

"Woah! It's so weird seeing someone as confident as you being unsure!" Rami teased Joe, because why not?

"I would never be unsure." Joe said as he raised his chin, trying to come off as confident but his confidence deflating when he spotted a certain blond staring directly, not so subtly at him, from down the hallway, many students crossing his path but his stare not wavering.

His lips then twitched into a smirk when he realised the effect he had on Joe and slowly took a step forward, bringing his hand in their line of vision and signaling Joe to come over, wiggling his index finger.

Joe gulped when he noticed the two people he most hated in the world, smirking in his way with mischievous glints in their eyes. Rami was already amused and Ben was going to be, he thought so.

Joe walked over to Ben, slow in his pace, kind of not knowing what was about to happen. He still stared right back at Ben's piercing emerald eyes and walked over. He noticed Ben looking over his shoulder and saw that Rami was signaling something to the blond.

He flipped Rami off and turned back to the blond. Ben looked back at Joe and gave him a genuine smile, grabbing his forearm and leading him to the silent hallway or rather a place for their makeout sessions.

It was actually pretty weird that after about 2-3 weeks of messing around, there was no major news/rumour spread around about them and Joe was surprised because he knew a lot of people had noticed already. He was kind of scared but also excited to hear the rumours people would start spreading once they fought on to what was going on. It would be fun but in that moment, he didn't know it would be actually fun or embarrassing with Ben.

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