bus stop ࿐bakugo x reader [L]

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credits to QueenExpl0sionMurder

Bakugo looked at you as if you were crazy. You were both sitting on a bench waiting for the bus. Sure, it was late at night and the streets were literally dead, but you were in the middle of the street! And besides being in a public domain, he barely knew you. Sure, he saw you sometimes when it came to waiting on transit, but you hadn't really spoken to one another before. Maybe one or two words, at most!

"What the fuck?" He whipped his head around to hide the blush on his cheeks. He was slightly irritated with your question, scoffing at the idiotic thought. "Are you stupid or some shit?"

You reached out, nuzzling the front of your body into his side. It was cold out and you were wrapped up in a scarf, but your skirt and stockings did little to warm you. You felt him tense under your touch. You purred into his ear, "Come on, I see the way you eye me. You want me just as much as I want you."

Idle chit chat didn't mean shit to Bakugo, especially when it came to some extra waiting on a bus. But your tits were pressing up and rubbing against his side, your hands sliding down the front of his coat. Your fingers caught the zipper of his pants and tugged it teasingly. He was embarrassed to admit or even acknowledge the growing boner in the crotch of his pants, making him blush even more.

"Just a quickie," you coaxed, pulling at his scarf to expose his neck. Dipping your head down, you kissing and bit and licked at the skin, making him shudder. He'd tell you it was just from the gust of wind that happened to breeze through, but you knew better.

"Fucking horny bitch," he breathed out. His hands went straight to your hips gripping them tightly. One hand slipped down your thigh and lifted it up, pulling you on his lap to straddle him. You could feel the hardness of his dick against your hot core, making feel flushed. You started to grind your hips into his, holding onto his shoulders as his hands pushed up your skirt.

You two didn't talk a lot, especially not after he placed his hand on the back of your head and pulled you into a hot and heavy kiss. It slipped into a make out, tongues twisting together and little hair being introduced to your lungs. Meanwhile, his hands kneaded your thighs while yours worked on the button of his pants.

When he pulled away from you, panting hot breaths into the cool air, his lust filled eyes met yours. He didn't look down as you pulled his raging boner from the confines of his boxers. He leaned up, allowing you to push his pants down his thighs and sit yourself back down on his lap.

With his dick pressed against your clothes pussy, you teased him by rubbing against it somewhat gently. He growled, reaching down to grab a handful of your ass and press you harder into him. You were chest to chest, face to face, as close as could be.

He pulled your panties aside, his eyes meeting yours. "Already so wet for me," he mumbled, making your walls clench. He made you wetter with just a few words and he knew it, feeling it against him.

He rubbed the head against your lips, wetting himself before watching you lower yourself onto him. Your head lolled back, biting your lip to attempt to hold in your pleasurable moan. But it didn't work.

You leaned into him once he was fully inside, your head resting on his shoulder. He didn't wait long to let you adjust, grabbing your hips once again and started to move you himself. His past was rough, pulling you almost completely off of him only to push you back down.

You felt full when he was inside of you. He reached places you hadn't even known were possible, but it felt amazing. Your squelching juices made it all the easier for him to go faster, and when he did, you felt like your eyes would roll back into your head. The pleasure running up your body was almost too much.

Bakugo could easily say he felt the same. Your walls were so tight around him, almost pulling you back down on him without resistance. You felt so good around him, he knew he wouldn't last too much longer. The moment you started nipping at his neck, he knew you were close.

Titling his head to the side, he gave you the perfect place to bite down on. You took the invitation just as your orgasm started, moaning against his skin as your walls pulled him in. He followed just behind you, dick twitching as his hot cum spurted into you. He stayed buried inside of you, preventing a mess until it stopped and ever drop was inside.

He helped pull you off of him, quickly moving your panties over your swollen and wet lower lips. You sat side him, staying close for the warmth. He fixed himself back up, zipping his pants closed and looking at you.

The bus pulled up not five minutes later, not too full of people. Luckily, the two of you didn't look too disheveled. So you entered the bus and took a seat next to one another, his hot cum seeping into your panties.

He leaned down. "Let me know when you get off so I can follow." You looked at him, meeting his hungry eyes. "I'll be happy to have round two."

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