misfire ✩⡱ todoroki x reader

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credits to MistressPikachu

When you first shoot out your vines you aren't expecting a dead on hit to land on Todoroki, especially when he is gliding along his ice, but that's what happens. You cover your mouth in horror as he lurches forward full speed and hits the orange dirt of the training grounds with a thud before ungracefully rolling to a stop.

"Todoroki-kun!" you scream and quickly close the distance between him and you, sliding down onto the ground next to him to help him into a sitting position so you can frantically dust him off. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hit you so hard. You're not hurt, are you?"

"It's okay, y/n. It was a good attack," he compliments, letting the pain be a reminder not to go easy on you next time just because you're so preciously adorable and sweet. There's a reason you're in the hero course, after all.

Shouto lifts his head to look at you, any thoughts in his mind dying and his eyes widening slightly from catching your soft crimson gaze studying him, your pink lips parted slightly in a concerned pout. Then, he realizes that your hand is still on his shoulder, and he flushes a light shade of pink as his entire body warms, his left side more than his right as you slowly bat dark lashes at him, and his thermal regulation becomes irregular.

"Oh no," your angelic voice draws him out of his trance, and his heart painfully throbs against his chest at your distress, "you're bleeding."

"Oh?" Shouto says and draws his hand to his cheek to touch the leaking red fluid that drains from the deep gash there.

"I can fix it for you," you offer, and he swears he's going to have a heart attack before you can even start healing him as you lean closer, your chest pressing lightly against his arm as you cup his cheeks with a motherly touch. "It's the same as when I accelerate the growth of my plants," you explain as your quirk pleasantly tingles against his skin before the pain of his rapidly dividing cells begin to seal the cut back closed. "See—it's all better now," you sweetly smile, letting your touch linger still, your fingertips softly stroking the edge of his scar as you hold his gaze.

Todoroki nods and thickly swallows. His arm shakes lightly and his stomach constricts with quickly building anxiety at being taken care of by such an angel. Your face so close, forehead almost touching his while still lovingly brushing the broken red tissue under his left eye. Slowly, he relaxes and mirrors your actions by caressing your cheek in return. You airily sigh and lean into his touch before he decides to bite the bullet and come forward. He's so close that he could just—

"Oi, y/n!"

"Damn it," Todoroki thinks to himself as you immediately distance yourself from him at the sound of your brother calling your name.

You were always such a sweetheart, an innocent ball of sunshine that it's easy to forget that you're somehow related to the most foul-mouthed, hot headed person that's ever had the luxury of being in the hero course. According to your words, you took more after dad while he had more of your mom's personality. Either way, he was marching past the chainlink fence and to the two of you.

"Katsuki!" you happily jump to your feet and wrap your arms around your brother in a familial hug. "Are you done studying?"

"Yeah," he answers bluntly before turning his attention to the issue that had him rushing over in the first place. "What are you doing with IcyHot?"

You glance at the blank face of the youngest Todoroki before addressing Katsuki with a giggle. "We were just training together. Shouto said he could show me some really "cool" moves!"

That answer is one of the last he wants to hear, but Katsuki manages to maintain a calm voice with you as he skeptically confirms your words, "He did, huh?"

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