cupcakes & kisses ✩彡 tamaki x reader

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I love him sm, y'all anime watchers lucky that u get to see him in all his adorableness animated 🥺🥺 (still read the manga tho ;])

anyway, i rlly liked the one bcs it's so cute,,

credits to LiteralTrashFor_Everything

You walked through the grocery store, humming softly to yourself. You tossed some things into the basket. You continued scanning over the shelves for things to use for baking. You felt two soft taps on your shoulder, and turned around. Tamaki stood behind you, a small, nervous smile on his face. He held up a bag of chocolate chips.

"M-Maybe we can use these?" he stuttered.

A grin spread across your lips. You put the chips in the basket.

"That's a great idea, Tamaki!" You pressed a kiss to his bright red cheek. "What else?"

Tamaki hid his face in his scarf and turned away to scan the shelves once more. You smiled. Your best friend shuffled over to the sprinkles. He brushed his fingers over some of the packages, before snatching up some yellow sprinkles. He brought them over to you. You held up the basket for him. He dropped the sprinkles in the basket.

You admired Tamaki more than any other person. He was your closest friend, along with Mirio. You'd known the two of them since you were kids. You admired Tamaki because he was still so brave despite his struggles with his anxiety. You were always so proud of him, no matter what.

"Alright! Ready to go bake cookies for Mirio's birthday?" you said, grinning.

Tamaki gave a small smile. He nodded his head. You gently grabbed his hand, walking toward the checkout. You had developed feelings for Tamaki a long time ago. Probably all the way back to your childhood. Of course, back then it was nothing more than a kid crush. Now, however? You were reasonably certain that you were in love with the shy boy.

You'd never tell him, though. Tamaki had never shown any type of interest in you, and you weren't about to destroy your friendship because of your feelings. Keeping them to yourself just seemed like the better option.

You smiled at the cashier and began putting your items up. He smiled back, scanning them. His gaze stayed mostly focused on you, though, which might've gone unnoticed by you but certainly not by a certain blue-haired boy. Tamaki eyed the clerk.

"Making cookies?" the clerk asked, question directed to you.

You smiled.

"Cupcakes, actually. It's for my best friend's birthday." you answered.

The boy nodded. He bagged your items. You paid for them. His hand brushed yours as he took your money. Tamaki uncomfortably watched the way your cheeks warmed just slightly. He slid his hand to yours, tangling his fingers with yours. With his other hand, he grabbed the bags.

"Ready to go?" he asked quietly.

You blinked a few times, looking at your hands. Your cheeks reddened even more at the fact that it had been Tamaki who'd grabbed your hand. Tamaki rather liked the sight of that blush rather than the one directed toward the other guy.

Tamaki guided you out of the store, not glancing back at the clerk. He felt oddly confident, a feeling he decided to relish in for the time being. Of course, he knew it was short-lived.

The ride to your home was silent. Tamaki didn't mention his jealousy at the store, and you didn't either. Then again, you hadn't noticed that he was jealous in the first place. The both of you held hands the whole time, until you had to pull away to grab your key for the door. Tamaki missed the warmth of you, but he didn't comment on it.

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