valentine's day scenarios (pt. 1) ੈ♡ deku x reader

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i think this series is pretty cute, it was valentines for me yesterday, but not a good one bcs of my idiot ex :)

hope y'all had a good one though 🥺!

creds to LiteralTrashFor_Everything

You nervously fidgeted outside of class 1-A's classroom, holding a neatly wrapped box of chocolates. You were nervous as you waited for Izuku to exit the classroom. You'd never given a boy chocolates before, especially not to your crush. What if he didn't like them? What if he didn't like chocolate? What if he preferred blue wrapping paper over the green one you'd wrapped it with? What if-

The door slid open. You turned your head, meeting two sharp red eyes. You cowered down as Bakugo stared at you.

"H-Hello, Bakugo," you greeted shyly.

His eyes flitted down to the box of chocolates.

"Don't tell me those are for Deku," he said.

You swallowed the lump in your throat.

"Um. . . Well, yes, they are. Do you think he'll like them?"

"Tch, don't ask me. It's not my damn problem."

Bakugo swung his bag over his shoulder. You looked down at your box, biting your bottom lip.

"Maybe I shouldn't give them-"

Bakugo sighed. "Just give him the damn chocolates. If they're from you then the idiot will probably appreciate them. Don't be a coward, (Y/n)."

Encouraging words from Bakugo Katsuki were hard to come by, so you took them to heart. A beaming smile spread across your face. You nodded your head happily. Bakugo only sighed and shook his head.

"Oh, are those for Kaachan?" A cheery voice suddenly piped up.

Your confidence was sucked out of you. You turned your gaze slowly toward the green haired boy now in the doorway.

No no no no no.

"U-Um, well, I-" you could hardly get the words out. "I um they're for. . . um. . ."

"Oh for fucks sake."

Bakugo grabbed the box from your hands. He shoved it into Deku's chest. Izuku was quick to catch the box before it fell. He blinked confusedly, clearly not understanding what was happening. You could faintly hear Mina and Uraraka's giggles from behind him. Embarrassment burned the tips of your ears.

"They're for you, dumbass. God, (Y/n), just get the damn words out and tell him how you feel, idiot." Bakugo huffed, then stomped off.

You rubbed your upper arm, fidgeting.

"Y-Yeah, they're for you, Deku. . ." you said quietly, unable to meet his gaze.

Silence answered you. You wanted to be swallowed up in the deepest hole to hell right now. Confessing was such a bad idea-

"Want to share them with me, (Y/n)?" Izuku asked, beaming. "They're probably delicious."

You blinked. You slowly looked at his face.

"Share them?" you asked.

Izuku leaned forward, pressing a soft kiss to your cheek. His face was bright red, probably redder than your own. He rubbed the back of his neck with one hand, his other holding the box of chocolates.

"Yeah. Like a date. . ."

Immediately, you were smiling.


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