silk ୭̥ kirishima x reader [L]

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credits to thesecondcircleofkel

(Warnings: semi-NSFW, implied oral, marking) 

There were times when Eijirou couldn't believe how lucky he was, like now, when you were sprawled out under him, naked and waiting for his touch. He couldn't get over the look in your eyes, that hooded gaze that did little to hide the desire that you felt for him. You looked so beautiful, a slight sheen of sweat covering your body, so hot and aching for him, with your chest heaving in anticipation of his every move. All of it left him breathless, all of it left him wanting, but he was lucky enough that he didn't have to deny himself of what he craved for long.

Your skin felt like silk beneath his fingertips as he trailed them along your chest and stomach. He briefly stopped when his hand fell over your heart, holding it there so he could feel the sturdy beats against his palm. Its pace was frantic, and the thought that he was the one who spurred on that quickened tempo sent a fire raging through his blood. He looked into your eyes once more, and he could only hope that you saw how desperate he was for you, how he needed you more than anything else. And if his eyes couldn't express that longing to you, then he would just have to show it to you.

He could feel your body quivering as he brought his mouth down to kiss the skin of your neck. It was soft and warm, so pliant beneath his lips, and he just couldn't resist the temptation to leave a mark there, something that would be undeniable proof to the world that you were his and nobody else's. He tried to be ginger about it, knowing how sharp his teeth were, but you didn't seem to mind, if the breathless gasp and grinding of your hips were anything to go by. He kissed the mark that he had left, already so endeared to it because of how it connected you to him, but he knew that you needed him to move on, to give you more of what you needed, and he was never one to deny you anything for long.

The rest of your body tasted so wonderful beneath his tongue, but it was all just an appetizer as he moved towards his true goal. He pulled away from you briefly, noting the flush of your cheeks as you looked down at him, your fingers twisted into the sheets beneath you as you ever so patiently waited for him. He was truly in awe of how gorgeous you looked at that moment, but he knew that you would look even better as your body grew taut with ecstasy, and that your moans of his name would enough to put him into a state of nirvana.

He couldn't wait anymore. A sigh fell from your lips as he finally gave you the pleasure that you so desperately craved, and it sounded so sweet to his ears, but not even those saccharine sounds could triumph over the wondrous taste of you against his tongue. It made him drunk with need, and he craved more and more of it, so much so that he didn't think he'd ever be satisfied. You were the living embodiment of perfection, in every imaginable way, and as more of your divine cries, caused by his intimate touch, filled his ears, he truly felt that he was the luckiest man alive.

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