valentine's day scenarios (pt. 2) ੈ♡ bakugo x reader

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"I hate Valentine's day."

"Ugh, girls are so annoying."

"Stupid couples."

You'd listened to Katsuki complain about Valentine's all day. You tapped your fingers on the surface of your desk, listening to him babble on about what stupid holidays Valentine's Day and White Day are.

"What's even the point?" he questioned. "Who gives a damn about getting chocolates or gifts on a holiday?"

You bit your bottom lip, just nodding in response. You didn't want to admit to him that you had gotten him a box of chocolates. He was your crush, so of course you had. Guess you should have suspected that he wouldn't even want them. Katsuki was frustrating like that. . .

And what's worse is that this was your last period before the school day ended. Most girls had already given their boxes of chocolates away. Of course, Katsuki had recieved an abundance of them which was likely the main cause of all his annoyance with the holiday. You were jealous, and you were about to miss your chance at giving him the chocolates you'd made for him. You'd put so much thought into them, from the shape of them to the paper you used to wrap the box.

The bell rang. Katsuki was collecting his things.

You missed your chance.

"I'll see you on Monday," he muttered.

Without thinking, you reached forward and grabbed ahold of his sleeve as he was walking away. You stared down at the surface of your desk, feeling his sharp gaze snap back to you.

"What?" he sighed.

You pulled the box from your desk, holding it out to him.

"I um. . . Happy Valentine's day, Suki. . ." you muttered.

This was absolutely the worst time for this. After he'd been complaining for a whole hour about his least favorite holiday, this definitely wasn't what he wanted. But you didn't want to miss out on giving the only box of chocolates you had.

"Really, (Y/n)?" he huffed.

You held back the urge to cry.

"Ah, yeah. Sorry, it was a stupid idea." You started turning away to put the box back in your bag.

Before you could, however, a hand snatched up the box from you. You blinked a few times in surprise, looking up at the blond boy. He frowned, unwrapping the box carefully and looking at the chocolate inside.

"You made these?" he questioned, voice monotone.

You nodded your head slowly.

Katsuki only sighed in response. He grabbed one of the chocolates and stuffed it into his mouth. You watched him eat it, honestly confused as to what was happening. He ate another. Then another. And one after another until the whole box was gone. Your cheeks were flushed. So were his, but whether or not it was from eating an entire box of chocolates or from something else, you didn't know.

"You should make me some more," Katsuki mumbled, holding the box upside down to show that it was empty. "I'll come watch you make them so that on White Day I can make you some in return."

"H-Huh?! You don't have to-"

Katsuki leaned down, pressing his lips to your forehead. Your face burned. He turned away abruptly and began stomping out of the classroom.

"I'll see you tomorrow to chocolate making lessons!" he called over his shoulder.

You grinned.

"It's a date!" you called back.

He glanced back.

"It's a date," he confirmed, before he was gone.

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