valentine's day scenarios (pt. 3) ੈ♡ todoroki x reader

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Who was the worst person to give chocolates to? Your crush. Who was the worst person to have a crush on? The most popular boy in UA high. Who was the most popular boy in UA? Todoroki Shoto. You had more competition for his attention than you could count on two hands and feet. Girls had been giving him chocolates and gifts all day, hand-made or bought from an extremely expensive store. And of course Shoto was too nice to turn them down, so he'd entirely filled his backpack with enough chocolate to feed all of Japan.

You stared down at your box of chocolates. They were simple truffles, nothing special. You'd made them, but you weren't even sure that they were good. After all, you weren't exactly a professional chocolatier. They wouldn't compare to all the girls who'd bought him fancy chocolates.

You sighed, sitting outside of the school on one of the benches. School had ended ten minutes ago, and you hadn't given Shoto your chocolates. You never had the chance, and even if you did then you were certain you'd have chickened out anyway. You were nothing special. There were plenty of other girls he would rather be receiving chocolates from.

"What are you doing?" a voice asked suddenly.

You squeaked, nearly dropping the box. You caught it quickly. You looked up at the person who'd spoken, meeting two very handsome heterochromic eyes. Your stomach leaped up to your throat. You just stared at him, not even realizing he'd asked you a question.

Shoto tilted his head in confusion, waiting for a response. He leaned down, waving a hand in front of your face.

"(Y/n)?" he asked.

You blinked.

"O-Oh, sorry. I, um, well. . . I was just. . . I. . ."

Well, this was awkward. You couldn't tell him you were sitting around daydreaming about if you'd actually had the confidence to give him the chocolates.

"Are those for me?" Shoto asked, staring down at the box in your hands.

Your face must've been the same shade as a tomato by now. You laughed awkardly.

"O-Oh, what gave you that idea?"

Shoto pointed to the nametag written on the box. He raised a brow.

"It has my name on it."

Busted. You bit your bottom lip, finally giving in and nodding anxiously. You held the box out to him wordlessly. If you were lucky he'd just take it and you could evacuate this humiliating situation.

Shoto took the box from your hands carefully. He opened it, looking at the chocolates inside. He pulled one out and ate it, just as he'd done with every other girls' chocolates. But, he smiled.

"They're pretty good," he said.

You couldn't help the smile on your face. It might've been the same thing he'd told all the other girls, but you appriciated it nonetheless.

"Ah, I sort of doubted them, honestly," you admitted.

Shoto chuckled, sitting down beside you. He held one of the chocolates out to you. You took it from him, popping it into your mouth. Immediately, you spit it out. You coughed.

"What are you talking about? These are awful! I'm so sorry, Shoto-"

The heterochromic boy burst into laughter. He grinned widely, wider than you'd ever seen him smile before. You weren't sure you'd ever even heart him laugh before. It was so handsome. You could've sworn you fell in love.

"I love them, (Y/n), because they're from you," he said.

You shut your mouth, not knowing how to respond. Shoto looked at your face, which was etched with confusion and shock.

"I was honestly hoping to get some chocolates from you. You're the only one that mattered." Shoto leaned forward, kissing your cheek. He stood up and held his hand out for you. "Would you like to go on a date with me?"

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