valentine's day scenarios (pt. 5) ੈ♡ kaminari x reader

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Denki had been bothering you all day. From the moment you walked into the classroom, he was teasing you about whether or not you'd brought him a box of chocolates. You huffed, strolling right past the blond and sitting in your desk. The puppy-dog pout he gave was amusing to say the least.

Then, at lunch, he was bothering you again. He was questioning you about chocolates. He was asking about plushies or about a dinner or about a small hand-made charm. You almost felt bad. Had he really not received any gifts all day?

Still, you remained stoic. You only smiled at him and walked back to the classroom. Denki pouted, heading back to his table with his friends.

"Dude, why don't you just ask her out already?" Kirishima asked, stuffing ramen into his mouth.

"Because it's Valentines day and I was hoping she'd bring me some chocolates or something. . ." Denki grumbled, poking at his food.

"You're an idiot," Bakugo huffed.

"Am not! How am I supposed to know if she likes me or not when she doesn't even bring me chocolates?" he whined.

Nobody had an answer for him.

The rest of the day passed by. Denki had apparently given up on asking about some chocolates, or teasing you about it being Valentines day. When the bell rang, you were the last one out of the room. You caught up to the blond boy in the hallway.

"Denki!" you called.

Denki turned his head.


You planted a kiss to his cheek. A slight shock shot thought your lips, but you didn't mind. You held out a box of chocolates for him with both hands.

"Happy Valentines day," you said.

Denki's face was bright red. He had been totally unprepared for a kiss right smack on the cheek. Nonetheless, a bright grin spread across his face.

"I thought you'd never-"

"I will take them back."

"I love them," Denki corrected, chuckling.

You smiled. You'd been waiting all day for just the perfect time to give them to him. You didn't think he'd care so much, expecting him to get tons of chocolates and forget about yours.

Unbeknownst to you, he had received chocolates from other girls. He'd thrown them away because to him, yours were the only ones that mattered.

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