nsfw alphabet ◌༉ bakugo xreader [L]

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credits to QueenExpl0sionMurder

there isn't much x reader in here but i still liked reading it

a - aftercare (what he's like after sex)

-you can't tell me he isn't one for cuddles after sex~ you better believe he is going to cuddle you~
-aftercare is important~ he's going to clean you up and hold you close and fall asleep with you in his arms~
-wants nothing more than to make you comfortable and happy~ and with certainly make sure you're both before he relaxes~

b - body part (favorite on you and himself)

-on himself, it's his hands~ he fights with them~ they're the source of his quirk~ and he uses them to grab and hold you~ what's there not to like about the?~
-he also likes his arms~
-on you, it's ass and thighs~ loves to grab and hold them~ especially likes holding your thighs during sex~ if the position allows it~ has his hand on your ass in public~ everyone knows whose ass it it~

c - cum (what they do with it)

-anywhere inside you~ your mouth~ your ass~ and especially your pussy~
-cums buckets inside you and loves watching it leak out and slide down your thighs~
-doesn't like to cum on you too often because it's dirty, but man do you look hot with a facial~
-other than inside, usually will only cum on your face and that's rare~
-will leave quite a few loads in your pussy if you let him~ wants his swimmers to find an egg~

d - dirty secret (a secret of theirs)

-will not tell even you this but he has the biggest breeding kink~ once tried to poke holes in the condoms but his will and morality got the better of him and he didn't~ but damn did he want to cum in you~ is so glad he doesn't use condoms anymore~

e - experience (does he know what he's doing)

-I know we all want to think of Bakugo as a sex god but let's be serious~ he doesn't have a lot of experience~
-knows what to do~ doesn't know how to go about it~
-gets better over time~ like in a matter of months~ more on this later~

f - favorite position

-any of them~ any way he can fuck you, he will at least try it once~
-favors doggy and fucking you against the wall~
-found a strange liking to banana split~ maybe it was the abundance of moans he got to hear~

g - goofy (does he joke around)

-hard no~
-he takes sex very seriously and wants to make it make it more special~
-if there's a small slip up, maybe he'll chuckle~ but otherwise he wanted to brush it off and continue~

h - hair (does he pull it/does he like having it pulled)

-if you pull his hair, prepare for the bull~
-actively fucks you harder if you pull his hair~ but he likes it~
-in doggy position, he is more likely to pull your hair
-will use your hair as a handle or a tool to move your head so he can kiss mark your neck

i - intimacy (how intimate is he)

-saves intimacy for special occasions~ birthdays~ anniversaries~ holidays~
-if you're feeling down, he'll dial down his roughness to better favor you and your needs~
-on a really good day that isn't anything mentioned above, he'll really show you how much he loves you~
-is otherwise very rough and in control of the situation~
-if you actively tell him you wanna try from a kid, he will make sweet and passionate love to you and ensure you hear nothing but his love for you during the entire thing~

j - jerk off (how often does he do it)

-once or twice a week~ maybe three times but that's a stretch~
-mostly finds you to help him take care of any hard problems~
-if you're gone, he'll save up a nice load for you and only jerk off once~

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