pass it ! ‧✧̣̇‧ kaminari x reader

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creds to Goldfishbowl & Neimiria

A game of bop it had your blood boiling as your brain worked intensley to keep up with the speed.

"Pull it!"

"Pull it!"

"Twist i-"


"God fucking dammit!" You screamed the profanity as the announcer from the speaker drowned on about your loss.

"Whatcha screamin' bout?" Kaminari slung his body over the couch and you yelped in fright at his sudden apprence.

"Kaminari, Jesus Christ make yourself known before you appear like that."

"But I called your name a few times you seemed so entranced by that game, I didn't want to disturb you further. What the hell is this thing?" The blonde picks up the toy and looks it over with interest.

"It's called a Bop It, have you never played before? These where all the rage in the 2010's."

"Nope, never seen it." He shrugs.

"Well let's play together then, it has a multiplayer setting." You grin as he resituated himself of the couch to face you.

"Alright, I'm game, how do we play?"

"Okay, so I need to set it first but the way a singular player plays it that a person presses the center button and then chooses a speed mode which will continue to get faster and you have to move your hands to touch everything the announcer says. Like pull it or twist it or bop it. Pull is the yellow thing, twist is the blue one and the bop it button is the center." You explain, pointing each extremity out and going over the function.

"You win the game when you reach 100 but it's really hard because of how fast it gets, you really got to be in the zone."

"Multiplayer! Ready? Bop it!"

Your hands begin to work quickly with each function it calls out before it screams.

"Pass it!"

You hand it off to Kaminari who begins to copy your movements hitting each passing command.

"Pass it!"

He gives it to your and you fumble with it before twisting and pulling on the extremities. Your hand accidently smacked the bop it button when you tried to pass it off again and the round ended.

"I think I get it, but I want to know why it looks like a sex toy."

"Shut up, no it doesn't." It did, he was right.

"Hey, why don't we make this more interesting?" Your ears perk up, a challenge? Yes daddy!

"Alright, what did you have in mind?"

"The person who gets to the highest round without fail wins, we play three times. The person who losses has to pie Bakugou with whipcream and yogurt." He wiggles his brows at you.

Oh god that sounded fucking terrible, you didn't want to die today so naturally, you said.


And the game of suicide began.

Pull it.

Twist it.

Pass it.

Bop it.

The game went on and on and on. Neither you or Kaminari refused to lose. But in the end. You where victorious.

So now you where mixing whipped cream and yogurt in a huge bowl while Kaminari tried to get his nerves under control.

"Do you think he likes peach?" You ask, dipping a spoon into the mixture before licking it from your finger.

"Ha ha hilarious." He trembled.

"You're gonna do great, just strike hard and run fast." You encouraged, slapping him on the back before spooning large sums of the goop into an aluminum pie pan before spraying another can of whip cream on it to cover it up.

Kaminari inhaled as you placed the pie in his hands and patted his shoulder.

"I'll play taps at your funeral."

"I'm going out with a bang, wish me luck my love." He cried.

You rolled your eyes at his melodrama and shoved him along to Bakugou's dorm room where they both knew the blonde would be laying lazily or working out with Kirishima.

It was the latter.

Kiri had opened the door, panting and sweating and shirtless. You took in the eye candy generously as you leaned against the door frame.

"Hey Ei, Bakugou in there?"

Before the red head could answer Bakugou showed up in the door way, shoving the red head to the side.

"(Y/n)? What do you want?" His tone wasn't as hostile as he probably meant for it to sound, the boy was also shirtless and a sweaty mess and holy fucking damn he was hot as hell as he ran his fingers through his sweat damp hair.

It was a thing you lived about this boy. His easily set off temper made him fun to mess with. Which is why this was happening.

"Oh nothing, me and Kaminari just wanted to give you a present." You say sweetly, your voice a purr which made both boys smirk down hungrily at you.

"Oh yeah? And what would that be?" Bakugou leans in, nose to nose with you.

"This!" Kaminari popped out from behind his own dorm room, you moved a second before the sticky dessert slammed into his face, a little got on you and some splattered on Kirishima but the job was done.

Kaminari pulled his hand back and the aluminum tin hit the ground. A wild smile played on his face as he took a step back. Bakugou wiped the substance off his face, taking a large slab of it in his hand before smiling evily.

"Oh you're fucking dead Pikachu." Bakugou slicked his hand to the side. Making the desert fall on your chest, shirt, and face before the chase began and Bakugou was out the door and Kaminari was making like Iida to run away for his life.

You grimaced and rubbed the goop of your shirt while Kirishima wiped his cheek of some splatter and licked it away with his thumb.

"Oh, peach!" He squeaked in delight before grabbing your shoulders and licking your cheek, making you giggle.

"Aww Kiri! Do you think Bakugou likes peach?"

"I think he does actually."

You hears the roars and cries of men down the hall, making you both giggle.


"BAKUGOU I'M SORRY!" Kaminari cried and you continued to laugh as Kirishima licked you and the impending murder of your friend came near.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2020 ⏰

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