valentine's day scenarios (pt. 4) ੈ♡ kirishima x reader

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You had a bounce in your step as you approached the school. Today was going to be a good day, you just knew it. You held a box of wrapped chocolates in your hands, along with a red crocodile plushie. You'd bought them two weeks in advance so you could be perfectly prepared for today.

Kirishima Eijiro would never see it coming.

You'd sneak attack him at lunch with the Valentine's gifts. He'd be so happy that he'd definitely ask you out. You had everything planned out. There was no way you could screw this up.

Or, you thought so.

You saw Eijiro talking to one of the girls from another class. She was giving him a box of chocolates. Your eye twitched. You'd have to move on to Plan B. You'd have to give them to him right now or else you'd miss your chance. You couldn't have Ei asking out another girl before you even had an opportunity to give him your gifts!

So, you rolled your shoulders. You tightened your grip on the gifts and started walking to the two. You opened your mouth to talk and- . . . . . nothing. Absolutely nothing.

What were you going to say again?

Eijiro and the girl were both staring at you now. They were very confused. Nervousness had completely stolen your words. Why now? Why couldn't you have just never been confident to begin with?

"(Y/n)?" Eijiro spoke. "What's up?"

There was no way he'd missed the gifts in your arms. Then again, this was Eijiro. He probably looked right over them and focused on being worried about the stupid blank look on your face. Why did your crush have to be such a hero?

Of course the girl had to notice. You didn't even know her name.

"Um, who're those for?" she questioned.

She snatched the plushie from your hands.

"A crocodile plushie? Who'd want something gross like that?"

Ah, well, maybe your plan wasn't even that well thought out. Maybe Eijiro didn't like crocodiles? They weren't a very common animal to like. You might've just jumped to the conclusion that he'd like it because of his sharp teeth. Now that you thought about it, it didn't seem at all likely. Maybe you shouldn't have assumed just because he has sharp teeth.

Damn, appearances aren't everything. Why'd you have to be so stupid? Honestly-

"I think it's awesome!" Eijiro stated, snatching it from her. "Crocodiles are awesome."

Greatest idea you've ever had. And it was just the confidence boost you needed.

"Good, because it's for you. So're these," you held out the chocolates.

Eijiro blinked a few times. He grabbed the chocolates. A beaming grin spread across his face. You almost teared up from the pure joy on his face. Honestly Eijiro Kirishima was the cutest person you knew.

"I love them. Thank you, (Y/n)," Eijiro looked at you, sharp teeth gleaming from his grin.

You grinned back.

"Of course!"

Honestly, you'd be satisfied if this was as far as things went. Just seeing Eijiro's face was enough to satisfy you. Eijiro pecked your cheek. The girl had wandered off by now, clearly not interested in whatever was gonna come next. You flushed, embarrassed.

"You should help me name him," Eijiro said, beginning to head to class with you, "we gotta pick something manly."

You beamed. You walked side-by-side with Eijiro, fingers brushing his. By the time you'd reached the classroom, they were intertwined and the crocodile had the very manly name of Red.

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