All Work and No Play

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You awoke just before five; a small glimpse of sunset was trying to find its way into your room. You checked your phone while wiping the sleep from your eyes. Made your fav dinner it's in the oven when you get up Mark had texted. With a groan you flung your legs over the side of the bed and stretched. Pulling on a pair of leggings and a tank top you made your way to the curtains before flinging them open. Pinks and blues danced across the sky and you let out a small smile, readjusting your bun.

The editing room door was opened with your hip, dinner in one hand and a red bull in the other. Mark turned slightly in his chair as you entered, "Thank you!" you said raising the dinner plate in your hand. He smiled and adjusted his headphones so he could hear you. "I've got a few Skype calls I need to make." "Yeah no worries, I've got a bunch to keep me busy" You answered "So I'll be as quiet as a mouse."

You sat down and pulled your headphones on crossing your legs in your chair. Your computer came to life as you placed your plate down. 5:25 P.M. You drew your hands down your face before pulling up your to-do list. You hummed at the new additions. "It's not too much is it?" Mark asked as he leaned in your direction. "Not at all. I'm just still trying to wake up." You responded without even looking at him. "Okay just let me know if it is..." he started before being interrupted by Skype. You clicked on your new files and began your day all over again.

You often slept from one to four while Mark recorded. After that you found yourself bound to your editing chair until 4:30 A.M. From there you would run, eat and shower. These had been the habits you had known since you moved to LA with Mark. While he found them insane you found them perfect. Each day sailed along smoothly and you knew this day would be the same as the others. A smile graced your lips as you saved your first project. The sun had gone down long ago but you could still hear Mark recording one final game. The tone in the room had changed; you glanced back to see he was on another call.

You yawned and leaned back in your chair seeing Mark out of the corner of your eye. It was late even for him. You picked up your phone to see your notifications when a pen came flying into your lap. Pulling your headphones down to rest on your shoulders you turned your body to him "Yes?" "I kept calling you but you weren't listening!" You shrugged, "Sound proof baby!" Mark shook his head with a small chuckle before grabbing his computer screen and turning it to you. "Look at who's coming to stay with us for 10 days!" Your face lit up when you saw the green head of hair. "Sean!" The Irish man let out a laugh, "Ah there she is! My favorite girl." You waved a hand at him and pulled your left leg up to your chest placing your cheek on it. "You're coming down for PAX right?" Sean nodded while Mark answered for him. "Yeah I said he could crash with us, he's actually coming tomorrow to get acquainted to that LA timeline. Then we'll hit up PAX this weekend and record during the week." "All work and no play." Sean chimed in. "Since when do you two not have fun? Anyway it'll be so nice to actually meet you" You emphasized. "Me? I'd like to think you already know me.." Sean said. "At this point I know Jack more than I know Sean." You responded. The two men took a moment to contemplate. "You know she's not wrong." Mark finally said. You stood up and placed a hand on Marks shoulder, "I'm going to grab some water do you want any?" He nodded quickly requesting ice once you were halfway out the door. 

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