Thank You

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For the second time today you were able to sit and you soon found yourself curled up on the couch in the creators lounge. You watched your friends socialize and for the first time in a while, you prayed that you would be able to get some sleep. You checked your phone, 4:02 P.M. If you could just survive the next few hours then you could face plant into that hotel bed until tomorrow. 

"So!" "Oh no." you groaned as Mark took a seat next to you and handed you a drink. "You don't even know what I was about to say you cant say oh no." "Mark, there are only two things you could say to me right now and both are worthy of an oh no." "I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that anyway, do you see Jack?" You looked over to see him talking to some girl and you froze. What was Mark about to say? Did Sean mention what had happened earlier? "He has a surprise for you?" "What?" "Jack has a surprise for you, he said it was something that he thought you wanted." You took a deep breath in as Sean turned to you, a playful grin across his face as he took a sip from his cup and crossed his arms. "D-do you know what it is?" You stammered without breaking eye contact. "No, he just told me to let you know he had a surprise." You let out a sigh of relief "But more importantly, what's going on with you two?" Mark continued. "What do you mean?" you asked quickly before taking a big swig. Vodka, oh god. "Don't play dumb y/n, how are you two getting along?" "Oh totally well, he's great." "Sparks?" "Mark..." "I'm just asking, so I'll jot that down as a maybe." You rolled your eyes and stood up, your legs taking you over to Sean before you had made up your mind. "Well hello there!" "You think you're funny don't you?" "Freaked you out didn't it?" Sean chuckled. "Was your surprise fear?" Sean let out a genuine laugh before responding. "No, no, it's these." He pulled two tickets out of his back pocket. You took them in confusion until you saw the name on the tickets. One of your favorite bands happened to be performing tonight and Sean had just handed you VIP tickets to see them. "Oh-oh my god? How did you know?! How did you even get these?" "You can thank Mark for the tidbit and I wanted to do something nice for you. You've been working so hard for the both of us today and I wanted to say thank you." "Please tell me you're coming with me?" you asked, still so excited to even be holding the tickets. "Only if you want me to.." "Yes absolutely!" You flung your arms around his shoulders and hugged him tightly. He returned the embrace and you soon found yourself too excited to sleep.

You were exhausted beyond belief and your body ached but you were there. Front row as your favorite band played. You sang your heart out, you danced, and you smiled so wide that your cheeks hurt. Your heart soared as they played your favorite song. You smiled at Sean who was standing behind you with his phone out recording the show. You let out a laugh that no one heard, grabbed his free hand and threw it up in the air as the chorus came on. In that moment, you knew life couldn't get any better.


Sunday was another blur for you. You hardly remember getting back to the hotel room but that was in the back of your mind as you all piled into the car for the long ride home. "Nothing going on between you two huh?" Mark muttered as he looked at you from the front seat. Sean was fast asleep, his head on your shoulder and a hand on your knee. Your thumb traced over his knuckles as you closed your eyes. "Nope, not at all."

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