Double Duty

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You stood in the back of the booth, watching Mark meet his fans. You always felt so proud during these conventions. He had managed to help so many people just by doing the one thing he loved. You stole a glance two booths over to see Sean, well, Jack at this point. His loud voice carried throughout the hall as he profusely thanks his fans for the art they gave him. You tilt your head to the side and smile in his direction when you realize your eyes had matched his. He smiled widely while gesturing to all his fans. You found yourself laughing and quickly covered your mouth while turning back to Mark, wondering why your heart was beating so fast.

The first day had been a blur for you and Mark. You had most recently taken the role of personal assistant at conventions. You kept the organization so he could focus on his fans; most importantly you kept him fed. By the end of the night the three of you had found yourself shoved into a booth at Wendy's. Picking lazily at your food you only looked up when Sean sighed at his phone. "My assistant got sick, she's not going to be able to make it tomorrow. Shit. Where am I going to find someone at this hour?" "What's your itinerary?" you asked as you wiped your hands into the closest napkin. "Uhhhhm, hold on," You waited patiently as he scrolled through his phone "Here it is!" With your phone in hand you slid in next to Sean to take a look. "Jesus you're busy tomorrow." You grumbled as your eyes scanned both phones. "Well it is the biggest day so that's not surprising. What do I have for tomorrow?" Mark interjected only to be silenced with a single finger of yours. You were studying both schedules, plotting. "There's some overlap," you sighed as you handed Sean his phone "But I can assist for both of you tomorrow. You both just need to listen to what I say and trust that I'll be there!" you ended quickly. "Good lord you're a life saver!" Sean said as he pulled you in for as much as a hug as the booth would allow. You let out a small laugh as your face was pressed into his chest; although you couldn't see it you knew Mark was grinning ear to ear. 

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