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It was 3 am when you returned home. "Are you guys even tired?" you asked as you kicked off your shoes. "Honestly? Not really. You guys up for watching a movie or something?" Mark answered. You nodded and started to make your way to the living room when a hand grabbed your wrist. "Not so fast missy." Sean smiled devilishly. "Oh?" "We're not done yet." "Sean what are you even talking about?" "Go grab two glasses, I'll be right back!" He said as he ran upstairs. You shook your head but did as he said. "Voila!" He shouted as he slammed a bottle down on the counter and took the glasses from your hands. "More?" you giggled as you grabbed the bottle and inspected it. "The best of the best! I had to sneak it over but for you it's worth it." "Oh you spoil me Sean." You said dramatically before opening the bottle of whiskey. "What are you two doing?" Mark called out from the other room. "Something that would kill you! You want any snacks?" you answered back. "Popcorn! And a coke!"

"Here." Sean handed you the glass that you took with a smile. "Thank you!" You swirled the brown liquid in the glass as the ice clinked against it. You let out a breath as you downed the drink, it sent a shiver down your spine and you wiped the corner of your mouth with the back of your hand. "Whoa didn't know you were going to shotgun it like that." Sean said once his attention turned back to you. "Was I not supposed to?" "I mean I usually sip it but when in Rome." Sean downed his and quickly filled the glasses back up.

It took three shots of whiskey before the popcorn was done and you knew Mark was growing impatient. "And one for the road." Sean said as he topped off his glass. "How you holding up sweet cheeks?" You were drunk again. The buzz from earlier hadn't even left and here you were. Drunk. "I'm great" you answered, trying to fight back a laugh. "Hmm, your cheeks say otherwise. But grab the snacks, I'll bring the drinks." With that he turned and made his way into the living room. You felt like you were floating but you handed Mark the snacks and sat between the two on the couch.

The food managed to sober you up slightly and for that you were grateful. The three of you were curled up under a blanket and every so often you caught Sean starting to nod off. "Oh fuck!" Mark shouted as he stood up quickly, hit shirt covered in soda. "Ugh great, I'll be right back, can you pause the movie?" Sean merely nodded as he set his drink down and hit the remote. He let out a little stretch as you heard Mark stomp upstairs. You looked over at Sean and he smiled at you with tired eyes. His hand slid through your hair and rested on the back of your head as he pulled you in, planting a small kiss on your forehead. You felt your heart race as he removed his hand and let it rest on the back of the couch, his attention returning to the paused screen. In a split moment you were straddling him. His hands moved quickly, one on your lower back the other pushing hair behind your ear and resting right below it on your jaw. His eyes were locked on yours and his breath caught as you bit down on your lip. The hand on your back pulled you closer to him, your face just inches from his. "Alright! I'm good now!" Mark called as he ran down the stairs. You gasped and flung yourself back onto the couch. Sean let out a grunt as he reached for the remote and hit play before Mark could step back into the room. You sat cross-legged with your hands in your lap, your face red hot from almost being caught. "You good there?" Mark asked as he sank back into his seat, pulling the blanket up to his chest. "Yeah totally, why?" you ask. "You're not watching the movie." He muttered. Sure enough he was right, you had been starring at the table the entire time. You glanced over to Sean to see he was leaning away, his arm resting on the side of the couch, pillow in his lap. "I'm just exhausted, I think I'm going to go upstairs. Goodnight guys!" you said quickly. "Oh, well goodnight." Mark almost questioned. Sean remained quiet but you quickly made your way upstairs and into the editing room. You pulled on a sweatshirt and started your computer, your mind was racing a mile a minute about what just happened so sleep was the last thing on your mind. 

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