Ruined Plans

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You were awoken by hasty knocking on your door. "Ugh this better be important." You called out as you sat up and ran your hand through your hair. "Oh did I wake you? I'm so sorry." You face softened as you realized it was Sean and you motioned him in. He closed the door behind him and made his way to your bedside. "So, since you're up uhm, I uh wanted to know if you wanted to get dinner with me tonight?" You let out a laugh; of all times he was nervous it was now. "Yeah I'd like that!" "It's a date then! Be ready for five then?"


"You've got to be shitting me right now!" You exclaimed as you threw your hands into the air. "You really have no one else?" "Y/n you know I wouldn't ask unless it was necessary." Mark tried to stay calm. "I have plans, we have plans!" You shot back as you motioned between yourself and Sean. "Y/n it's fine really..." Sean trailed off at the end. You couldn't bring yourself to look at him; you heard the sadness in his voice. You sighed and dragged a hand down your face, "Please tell me it's at least quick." "Well..."


You had been filming with Mark for five hours now. The sun was far past set and you dug your heel into the ground knowing damn well your one chance of telling Sean your feelings was long gone. You felt your phone buzz in your pocket and you quickly pulled it out.

Sean: How's the filming going?

Y/N: Ugh, no signs of being over for another hour, I'm really sorry

Sean: Don't be! Things happen

Y/N: I don't think you understand, I was so looking forward to this dinner...

Sean: Me too

Sean: But we'll rain check it

Sean: Hell we'll skype dinner date if we have to!

Y/n:Fuck man, you're leaving tomorrow

Sean: Yeah I know, it all went by too fast

Y/N: Do you think you'll still be up when we get back?? I know its late enough as is

Sean: For you? I'll stay up all night if I have to :)

"Y/n! You ready to get back to it?" Mark called. "Yeah! Let's get this done!"


"Mark! Are you for real?!" You yelled as he drove back to the house. "Why are you getting so angry over this?" He asked with a raise in his voice, his eyes glued to the road. "You want this whole thing by tomorrow!" "Look I know it's a lot but you're the only one I can trust with this." You let out an aggravated sigh and slumped even further into the car seat. "Alright what's going on, you've never been mad at me with deadlines like this before." "We've also never had guests with deadlines like this before." You mumbled. "So this is about Sean..." "Mark don't.." "Okay." Was all he answered but you knew he had a grin plastered on his face. You narrowed your eyes at him but said nothing for the rest of the car ride home. 

"Welcome back! I trust you two had a fun time." Sean shouted as he held the door open for us. "Yeah, yeah great time." You muttered as you brought the gear up to the recording room.

Mark POV

"Was it something I said?" Sean asked after he heard the door upstairs shut. "She's mad I need her to do some work and took her away from you." "She said that?" Mark let out a small chuckle and clapped Sean on the shoulder. "She didn't have to. You don't have much time left though, we're out of the house by ten to get you to the airport on time." Mark said with a wink before heading to the kitchen. 

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