Until You Call

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Though they had been at the house for a majority of the week, Wade and Bob still insisted on coming to see Sean off. You stood back as the guys each said their goodbyes accompanied by a long hug. You watched as Sean took his hand off Wade's shoulder before turning to you. "You know I had to save the best for last." He said in a low voice. "Naturally." You answered with a smile only for it to falter. "I had a really great time this week, I'm really glad we got to meet in person." Sean smiled and pulled you in for a hug, his arms holding you tightly against him. You returned the gesture, burying your face into his chest and holding onto his sweatshirt tightly. He let his chin rest on the top of your head, "We still on for that dinner date?" You let out a laugh, "Of course we are." You both heard the announcement for his flight but neither of you moved. "Sean.." "No not yet, I'm section C, I've got a little more time." You smiled but you pulled away slowly only to put your hands on his shoulders. "Promise you'll let me know as soon as you land?" "Of course I will!" he picked his bag and ruffled your hair slightly as he turned to the guys. "Gentlemen! It's been fun, until next time." He stole one more glance at you and you saw it, the longing and sadness in his eyes. You bit down on your lip to try and stop yourself as he walked towards the terminal. The days flashed through your mind, the lingering hands, the longing looks, the way he made your breath catch. "Fuck." You said in a single breath before you took off. "Sean. Sean!" your shoes smacked the tiles but he heard you, somehow, through the crowd he heard you. Spinning on his heels you watched his hand release the bag, a foolish grin spreading across his face. You slowed only for a second placing your hands on his shoulders before propelling yourself up, your legs wrapping around his waist. He let out a small chuckle as he braced himself but you didn't give him time for anything else. Your lips were on his and he welcomed it. His hand gripped the back of your leg tightly; the other pressed into your neck, thumb caressing your jawline. You pressed your body further into him, deepening the kiss. Neither of you cared where you were at this point, you had each other and that's what mattered. Your lips finally separated as he placed you back down, his forehead resting against yours. "Come back with me." He said in a breath. You laughed as he took your hands in his, "I'll get you a ticket right now." "Sean..." "You can stay as long as you want..." "Sean, you know I'd love nothing more than that, but you know I can't." You said before pulling him in for another kiss. "If I can't take you with me, then take this at least." He said as he pulled off his sweatshirt and placed it in your arms. "Now boarding section C!" You hugged the sweatshirt tightly against you as he grabbed his bag and planted one final kiss on your lips, "Damn I could do that all day! I'll call you when I land!"

You sat in the dark, the only light coming from your computer as you worked. With knees drawn up to your chest you tugged on the sleeve of his sweatshirt. You found yourself missing him already but you couldn't help but smile as a familiar face popped up on your screen. "Well hello there beautiful! You miss me yet?"

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