Just a Touch

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You arrived back at the hotel around one in the morning, parted ways with Sean and led a very sleepy Mark back to the room. For the sake of costs you two had shared a room, it also made it a lot easier to get Mark up in the morning. "Goodnight." Mark mumbled into his pillow before tuning off the lamp. "Goodnight." You hummed back; the only light in the room was from your laptop. You spent most of the night planning out the day when a familiar name popped up on your phone.

Sean: Can't sleep :(

Well that makes two of us then you replied quickly.

Sean: Mind if I come over?

Y/N: Sure, mark is asleep though so I can't promise we'll be too entertaining

Sean: Time spent with you is entertaining enough! I'll be over in a jiffy

Your cheeks were burning; you could feel it. You dragged your hands down your face as you propped the door open. Focus, you needed to focus. Your list wasn't done and three a.m. was fast approaching.


"You're still working on this?" Sean hissed as he pulled a chair next to yours. You jumped a little and he put his hand on your shoulder as an apology. "Of course! You two have it easy, I'm the one who's running around all day." You answered. "If it's too much you don't have to..." "Oh hush," you smiled as you squeezed the hand on your shoulder "I wouldn't have offered if I couldn't handle it." You watched his smile grow before you two dove into the last minute work.

"It's four thirty and you need to sleep." You said as you propped your chin on your hand, elbow resting on the table. Sean had already buried his face in his arms and glanced at you through tired eyes. "So do you." He muttered. You stood, offering your hand to him. He took it without hesitation and silently followed you over to the bed. "Go.To.Bed." you barely whispered as you pushed him closer. He kicked off his shoes and flopped into the bed without another word. You turned to head back to your laptop when you felt his hand on your wrist pulling you in. With a small gasp you soon found yourself on top of him, your arms propping you up. You could barely see his face but you were grateful because that meant he couldn't see yours. Your cheeks were red hot again but you couldn't bring yourself to move. "You need to sleep too." He whispered as he snuck out from underneath you. You nodded quickly and slipped under the covers, not even bothering to change clothes. You waited until you heard his soft snores before your crept back to your computer. Plugging your headphones in you got back to work.

You stretched in the hotel chair as you looked at the glowing red lights on the nightstand. 5:16 A.M. You closed your eyes and went over the first part of the day. Wake the boys at 6:30, breakfast and Uber to the convention center. Check-in and deal with the person picking you up. Your eyes flew open to see a grumpy Sean carrying you. "I said you needed to sleep, not work." He placed you down gently and crawled in bed, this time throwing the blanket over you himself before falling back asleep.

The blaring alarm nearly gave you a heart attack as you shot up. A cool hand snaked its way over yours as you shut the alarm off. Mark never stirred but you turned to the man sleeping in your bed. "Glad you got some sleep." He said though a yawn. You lay back down and turned to face him. "Watching me as I sleep?" you asked with a smile. Sean shrugged and ruffled his hair with his free hand. You hadn't even noticed you two were still touching. Your hand had flipped as you gently traced circles into his palm. But Mark started to move and you quickly pulled your hand away. 

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