The Calm Before the Storm

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You awoke to the sounds to two men cheering in the background. I need to save this crossed your mind as you slowly put together where you were. Your room. Your curtains were drawn sloppily. Your phone was nowhere to be found and your clothes from yesterday were still on your body. You sat up in a hurry and rubbed your eyes frantically. Had you actually managed to fall asleep before noon? You pulled your hair up in a high ponytail and made your way towards the noise. You were still groggy but you had to know what happened. "Mark?" you asked softly as you entered the room. There was no answer as your eyes adjusted to the dark room. "You can't tell me that's fair!" an Irish laden voice yelled from downstairs.

You crept downstairs only to see the two guys in the living room with a dual camera set up. You caught Sean's eye and he let out a heart laugh. "Good morning sunshine! Or good afternoon?" You waved and let the boys have their fun. After today they would be bombarded with PAX press.

"Good morning! So you have check in at seven and you need to be at booth 229 for nine." You chimed into Marks room. You chuckled as he threw something at the bedroom door. "Get up Mark." His eyes were barely open when he swung his door wide open. You handed him his cup of coffee and made your way to the guest room. You took a breath before knocking on the door, "Good morning sunshine! You've got check in at-" "At seven and then booth 156 for meet and greet." "Wow, look who's on top of his game!" You joked as you handed him a cup of coffee. "So you're his editor and personal assistant?" Sean asked as you two walked down to the kitchen. "More or less," You shoved a breakfast plate in his hands "I just know how he functions during conventions. He needs that extra little kick in the pants to get started."

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