Character Aesthetics

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Hi! I'm super excited to start my first WattPad story! This chapter is just a tiny introduction to the main characters! Hope you guys enjoy this series! <3

Here's some things about the main characters:

She's a fearless princess who doesn't let anyone get in her way

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She's a fearless princess who doesn't let anyone get in her way. She loves shopping, binge watching, makeup and is great skater. Don't let her looks fool you, she is a very caring and fun girl.

 Don't let her looks fool you, she is a very caring and fun girl

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Skylar is a very happy and positive girl. She always makes people smile, probably the reason her and Sabrina are best friends. She loves photography, flowers and smiling of course.

 She loves photography, flowers and smiling of course

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   Laura is very artistic and fun. Her art is like no other. She always speaks her mind and knows how to make anyone laugh. She loves art, reading and tea.

He's a typical bad boy, loves parties, skating and football

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He's a typical bad boy, loves parties, skating and football. Wonder if the bad boy has a soft spot? Not a lot of people know. He chooses to hide his emotions but for what? Lucas is still a fun and caring person just don't get on his bad side or he won't be so fun and caring.

 He chooses to hide his emotions but for what? Lucas is still a fun and caring person just don't get on his bad side or he won't be so fun and caring

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Anthony May be bad sometimes but he does care about people close to him. Don't let him scare you though, he just wants to have fun. He's the school popular heartbreaker but people say he's just scared to get hurt. Who knows?

 He's fun and colorful

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He's fun and colorful. Mostly because he wears rainbows because he's gay and proud. He loves fashion, makeup and eating. He's everyone's best friend but doesn't let popularity get in the way of people he loves.

That was just a little preview of the main characters! There will be more characters than this! I will try to update every other day at least.

You are welcome to comment chapter ideas! <3

-xoxo Veronica

P.S those aesthetics took forever so please do not claim them as yours because I have proof that they're mine and I made them ;)

For anyone wondering how I did those, I made a collage on PicsArt :)

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