No More Options

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They were all sitting there. Tired, afraid, hopeless. They had run out of ideas....

Well, almost all of them, but only one of them knew that.

Underneath the canopy of leaves only the smallest flickers of sunlight broke through and illuminated their faces: dirty, sunken and exhausted. Eyes with no light and limp arms bearing no more weapons.

One by one chatter stopped and eyes closed. Small and ragged breaths filled the loud silence. Their home was about to be destroyed - put to eternal rest - and they couldn't do anything about it.

An hour or so later everyone was asleep. Everyone except a small teen with snow white hair and tight leather clothes. He knew what had to be done, she had told him.

Quietly and slowly the boy tumbled out of his space on the ground and walked softly but with purpose out of the forest. The sun became moon as he saw the blanket of stars in the sky above. The sun and the moon: they were never meant to be together. When one came the other went.

Trees turned to brick. Forests to castles. Yet the boy didn't stop. He couldn't... he wouldn't.

A large grey tower appeared in front of him. It's grey stone wilted and ivy-covered. He entered. He climbed the endless stairs. 1,2,3 and so on until the boy lost count. Steady breaths drew laboured as he ascended to the top, knowing what fate lay ahead.

He reached the top and dragged open the heavy, oak door covered with locks and bolts. No way out. Not that it would matter: he wasn't planning on leaving.

Walking out into the high, cold, frosted air, his hair stood out against the darkness. Gazing sadly at the luminescent moon, surrounded by twinkling stars, the boy made one last wish...

"Carlos! Ah, I've been waiting. You know what?" the voice asked with a insane cackle. "Guess. Guess! No, don't, I'll tell you... I don't like to be kept waiting."

Carlos was met with a painful blast of bright green magic. As his body slumped to the ground, he found a wide, twisted grin floating in the dark, matched by a sneering pair of eyes staring right at him.

Out Of Time (book 1) ✔Where stories live. Discover now