Way Back Home

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Carlos knew what made him so special - what made him so dangerous - a long time ago. Ever since he was young his mother would curse him, beat him and enslave him in order to suppress his powers.

Yes, powers, you see Carlos wasn't an ordinary VK. No, long ago his mother Cruella made a deal with the devil to gain the powers necessary to fulfill her malicious plans. The deal was made and when she had Carlos some of that magic was passed on. Cruella didn't notice at first. But slowly and surely the signs became more clear: the way living things would simply die or animals seemed to follow unspoken orders. She realised what power her son possessed and proceeded to try every possible way to make his magic go away.

"Whenever things get too much, suppress what you feel inside." his mother told him. "Suppression is key." was his motto and he proceeded to do just that. As he grew older he became well known on the Ilse. The cold, evil son of Cruella de Vil. No one knew what made him this way but they all feared him.

This continued on for many years... until he met Harry.

Harry Hook: the thieving pirate who made him feel so much, who made him see the world in a different way than his mother. He helped him see joy and laughter and mischief! So when he discovered his origins and his magic, his powers, his abilities? He didn't know what to do.

When he left to go to Auradon he promised to himself to get Harry off of the Ilse. Underneath all that bad, and a little crazy, was someone who just wanted to be free. So, after the plan to steal the wand was banquished, and the rotten four were official citizens of Auradon, Carlos spent more and more time thinking of ways to help his pirate.

By surprise, they found themselves returning to the Ise when Mal left. The first time he had seen Harry in months and he felt all of these hidden emotions reappear. However, Harry had changed. He seemed more angry, more unstable, and Carlos knew this was the doing of his father and the Isle. Even after taking Ben (which Carlos knew Harry did under Uma's command) Carlos spent a few moments with Harry before they returned to Auradon...

"Hey pup. Didn't think I would ever see ya again." he confessed whilst digging his face into Carlos' shoulder.

"Me too." Carlos admitted returning the hug. "I haven't stopped thinking of ways to try and get you off the Isle but although me, Mal, Jay and Evie are officially welcomed in Auradon, there are still too many people who give us looks. They don't want us to be there. They think we're evil and they are just waiting for us to make one wrong move so they can send us back here... I can't come back Harry, I can't stay with her again... And I feel like I'll ruin everything over there if I straight up ask for you to come over..."

At this Harry moved in their hug to look at Carlos' face. He could see the months of true suppressed emotions appearing in his eyes and he knew how much this was affecting him. He admitted that he had selfish thoughts once, how he thought Carlos was never coming back to him, but vowed to never think like that again.

"I've been trying to find ways to get off the Isle too, or at least to try and contact you. But efforts here are as useless as a ship without a captain. At least we have this time now."

They both fell silent and just enjoyed these few precious moments in each other's embrace before they had to part again.

"Carlos! Where are you? We're leaving, let's go!" they heard Jay call from the car.

"We'll see each other again. I promise." Carlos spoke looking into Harry's sky blue eyes.

"And I'll be counting down the days. You're never off my mind."

With a final hug Carlos pulled away, reluctantly, and ran back to the car. He lied about getting some tech from the hideout and spent the journey over the bridge starting to suppress his feelings all over again...

Out Of Time (book 1) ✔Where stories live. Discover now