You And Me

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A landscape of dazzling blue met their eyes as they sat along the dock. The sun, or whatever light could peek through the omnipresent clouds, was warm and cast a comforting blanket across the two. The waves crashed against the wooden dock. The younger lad sighed deeply, a breath of hundreds of emotions all swirling around at once. He let his head fall onto the broad shoulder next to him. Carlos was at peace.

The pirate wrapped one arm securely around the other. "Wouldn't want ya to go drowning on me now would I?"

The freckled teen laughed. "Technically it's the Wharf Rats's fault I can't swim. And besides wouldn't my knight with shining hook dive in to save me?" he countered with a devilish smirk.

Harry beamed. He was lucky to have found Carlos and for them to be together. He saved him. They saved each other...

One evening Harry was stalking the market looking for cash to steal when he saw a mop of snowy hair with black roots tinted red stumble into the alleyway. Curious, he followed and saw a young teen open a secret door hidden in the brick wall. He followed.

What he found inside shook him. The infamous Carlos de Vil collapsed on the wooden floor of a secret base. Breathing ragged and blood everywhere. Harry didn't know what to do. Take him captive to Uma or help with the injuries?

He turned to go but an unusual feeling pulling at his chest made him turn on his heel and quickly wrap the younger in his arms before taking him to the large bed in the corner of the room. Harry took his time wrapping up Carlos' cuts and bruises in bandages he found in a first aid box under the bed. Carlos was shaking and looked almost dead.

'What happened to him?' Harry questioned. Everyone knew Cruella was the most insane and dangerous villain on the Ilse but to abuse her own son? Even Harry thought that was impossible.

He sat by the bed in a ragged chair all night and all morning until Carlos woke up. Light blue eyes met confused, dark brown ones. With a shout of disbelief Carlos sat up and pushed himself against the wall.

"Ya know pup", the pirate started, "next time you go to a secret hideout try to be a little more secret." Carlos was silent. What was Harry Hook doing here? A deadly pain pierced his ribs and he took a sharp breath. Immediately, Harry was at his side.

"You alright pup? Ya shouldn't be moving about like that with all those injuries, which, by the way, can you tell me who did this to ya?" he questioned seriously.

Carlos looked down. He had a reputation. A strong VK with one of the worst villains on the Isle for a mother. People looked up to him; people feared him. And now, a pirate, a member of the core 4's enemy was here in his hideout... helping him?

Deciding there was no way out (he couldn't fight in this situation) he answered almost inaudibly:

"My mother..."

"What?" Harry asked, not hearing him.

"My mother! My own goddamn mother beat me to within an inch of my life! Again. Don't worry though, it's been worse." Carlos looked down miserably.

He wasn't expecting what came next. He was anticipating a laugh or a mock from Harry. He was not expecting a hug. Solid, firm arms wrapped around him gently, and Carlos found himself burying his head onto the pirate's shoulder. He cursed himself for letting out small sobs. He was just so tired.

"Pup, I know we are members of rival gangs. But that rivalry is between Mal and Uma, not us. I swear on the sea to protect ya as much as I can from harm... that is, if you'll let me?" Harry asked.

The slightest nod of a head made Harry's face split into a grin. He didn't understand what he was feeling, nor did Carlos, but they knew it felt right.

The two spent the rest of the day fixing up Carlos' wounds and just talking. It was nice. Later that evening the two decided to head back respectively and when they stopped at the grand black, sleek doors of Hell Hall, Harry bade Carlos a goodnight with a promise to meet him at the hideout tomorrow...

Thinking back to the time they met, Carlos felt happy. How much good came from something so bad. He didn't know how long it would last or if this would work out. But for now they were happy, together at the docks, dreaming of a life beyond the barrier. Where they could be free.

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