Memories Pt.2

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Towering walls turned into crumbling buildings. Empty hallways into cramped alleyways.

His breath became laboured as he willed himself to keep running. His arms were pumping wildly at his sides as he ran away from the docks. Fear was his adrenaline at the moment.

It was a few months after him and Evie had joined Mal and Jay in their gang. They were known as the Rotten Four; their parents the worst villains on the Isle.

They decided to steal some of the supplies from the pirates' turf which they stole from the tip yesterday. Simple things like clothes, food and things they wanted for absolutely no reason. They all had different roles: Evie was the lookout, Jay and Mal were the distraction and Carlos was the runner since he was the fastest of them all. A simple in and out job, they'd done it many times before.

As he was running Carlos could feel a looming presence behind him. A pirate on patrol caught him slipping away with two bags and followed him. He was running out of options. He could drop the supplies so he could run faster or hope to lose the pirate in the backstreets.

The stakes were high. This was the time to prove himself to the gang. He couldn't drop the supplies of course. Mal and Jay were still not 100% trusting of Evie and Carlos so this would seal the deal. If he didn't bring them the resources back, well, he'd seen Jay when he was angry and it shook Carlos to his core. However there was a slim chance of losing the pirate, they were still in their turf.

He willed himself to run even faster. For once he was grateful for his small size, it made disappearing much easier.

Just as he was about to turn down a shadowed alleyway he felt something metal pull him back. He stumbled into a hard chest and looked up to see the one face he definitely didn't want to: Harry Hook.

"Well, well, what do we have here ey? Is the little pup lost?" he mocked ending with a little bark.

Carlos kept his mouth shut. This was his first encounter with the crazy pirate and he knew if he wanted to survive it he'd better keep his mouth shut.

"Aw is ya wee gang trying to steal our stuff. Didn't ya know sharing is caring, hm? Well, I'll let you know your pathetic plan failed," he continued trailing the tip of his hook down Carlos' neck, "Mal and Jay retreated when they saw the extra pirates we added. As for that little princess of yours, we'll let's just hope she can charm her way out of a slow, painful death, yeah?"

Carlos struggled to escape Harry's arms but was pulled back. "You leave her alone! Hurt me not her."

"Well isn't that noble, you sound like a prissy Auradon Prince." he growled.

However he was too blinded by the pathetic bravery of the kid in front of him he didn't notice his arms had loosened. With a sharp stamp on Harry's foot Carlos broke free of his captor and ran for his life, his hands clenched white around the supplies.

In a couple of minutes he broke through the door to the secret hideout to find the other three pacing with worries faces. They wouldn't admit it but when Carlos didn't arrive on time they had a mini panic. Affection was weakness on the Ilse but they all felt protective of Carlos.

"Carlos!" Evie exclaimed with relief and went over to hug him. Carlos was panting with his hands on his knees, the supply bags dropped on the floor.

"Thank evil you're okay." she finished.

"What held you up? And why is your neck bleeding?" Mal asked with a frown.

"Harry." was all he had to say. Carlos had a run in with Harry Hook, whilst stealing the Wharf Rats' supplies, and got away almost completely unscathed.

"Dude, you got away? That's impressive." Jay admitted with a smirk. Carlos replied by showing a thumbs up before walking over and collapsing on his couch.

"Yeah, good job or whatever." Mal added. Everyone was in shock, for Mal that was a huge compliment.

Lying down Carlos was taking in deep breaths, eyes closed, and had clenched fists. Being trapped by Harry's arms he felt short of breath. It was two enclosed and he was surprised he was able to hold it together. He winced and opened his eyes to find Evie placing a stolen plaster on his neck.

"Good job, I think we're in." she whispered gratefully.

All Carlos could do was return a small smile before drifting off to sleep.

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