Wake Up Call

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The small white room was crowded with 8 bodies, all huddled around the stiff pale bed. They had tense expressions and bated breaths as they waited...

The doctor had called them earlier and asked them to meet him in the main office. It was urgent. He explained to them Carlos' vitals were picking up and it was likely that he would wake up today.

However, he also said there would be some problems they would have to face together in the future.

"You mean them." Uma pointed at the core 4 and Ben. "We won't be staying will we, princess." she ended with a sneer, her eyes showing her sadness.

"Actually, I've decided to let you all stay. You and any of the children on the Isle who want to come over to Auradon. You saved us, now it's our turn to help you." Ben declared.

"Well," her face grew a smile, "continue." she gestured to the doctor.

"Right. We believe he will have serious PTSD and anxiety at the least. Try to avoid big crowds, shouting, loud noises, dark rooms. All things that could trigger a negative reaction. You'll also need someone with him at all times in case he experiences a relapse."

"I'll stay with him doc." Harry said with a curt nod.

"Good, also-"

A beep came from the doctor's pocket. He pulled out a phone and his eyes grew wide. Hastily, he placed the phone back in his pocket and faced the gang.

"He's waking up, let's go now."

They followed, hasty footsteps trampling across the marble floor. Harry opened the door and peered through to see his love asleep under the blankets. They crept in quietly and gathered around the room: sitting on chairs, the floor, the windowsill, any available space.

They were relieved to see that Carlos had some more colour in his cheeks although his hair was still completely stark white, not a black root in sight. His body was frail and covered in bandages, but there was no serious injuries apart from a sprained ankle and a broken arm, nothing a little rest couldn't fix.

The beeping of the monitor increased and their heads shot up. Quickly, they scrambled up and grouped around the bed.

Carlos' hand shifted ever so slightly on the bed but their trained eyes picked it up. His eyelids were shifting and his forehead creased.

Slowly, his eyes opened and disorientated deep brown orbs met a wave of colour. The harsh bright rays of the flourescent ceiling lights blinded him and he squeezed his eyes shut. After a few seconds he reopened them and groaned. It was hoarse and quiet.

After a few seconds he had got a clear view of his surroundings and felt a panic rise within him.

What happened?

With a gasp for breath he looked around rapidly for an escape. He felt a gentle hand rest on his forearm and his head whipped to the side. Oww.

"Hey love, you're alright, OK? You're in the hospital away from Audrey. You're completely safe OK? You've just been out for a few days." Harry explained, trying to sooth Carlos.

Carlos on the other hand was getting more panicked and he ripped his arm away from Harry. Oww.

"Who are you?"

"Who are any of you?"

His face grew fearful and shocked. He looked up with broken eyes and whispered:

"Who am I?"

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