Too Late?

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Harry was clenching and unclenching his fist around his hook, he was getting more worried and rushed by the second.

He didn't know how many seconds they had left...

When they entered through the doors of the school they were met with the stone figurine of Fairy Godmother: her face was in mid-shout. Mal had to pull Ben away before it got too bad, apparently she was like a second mother to him.

The halls were absent of sound except for their heavy boots on the marble floors.

Harry was trying to focus on the fact that Carlos was lucky to have gotten the chance to go to Auradon, he deserved it. And the place was perfect for him. You could learn and express yourself to your hearts content; you didn't have to worry about when your next meal was.

"This way." Ben spoke leading the three VK's down one of the 'authorisation only' corridors.

Here the walls were cleaner and emptier, notice boards replaced with abstract art. Fancy. But at the end of the winding corridors was a single wooden door.

Ben tried to open it but it was locked. "You know I'd normally be against this but can you cast a spell to open the door?" he asked Mal.

"Absolutely." she smirked before chanting:

"Now that time has come and gone, open for us to continue on!" With a quick flick of her wrist the door opened.

Harry groaned. He wished he could've just broken it down, he needed to let off some steam anyway.

"Let's go!" he ordered before delving into the darkness.

They didn't know how long they had been walking for. Minutes? Hours? It was impossible to tell. It was just the same dirty stone walls and no light to guide them. Eventually Harry grew tired and picked up the pace into a jog. They would travel quicker this way.

Soon a dim light began to appear at the end of the tunnel, so weak it was almost invisible. But it was enough for Harry to alert the gang to run. They reached the end of the tunnel to find another door.

Bu this was unlike the other. This was made of thick stone covered in locks and bolts. But the most unusual thing was that when he attempted to open the door... it did.

Stepping through, he experienced a tornado of emotions. Relief they had found the dungeons. Shock at how bad they were (even the cells on the Isle were in better condition). Joy at the hope of finding Carlos. Fear at how they would find him.

It took a gentle hand on the shoulder from Evie for him to snap out of it.

"Alright. Mal, message the others and tell them to come to us. Evie you stay behind and guard this door. Ben, you, Mal and me will continue on."

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement and went to their posts.

"Come on," he started, pulling Ben by his jacket, "let's hope you can talk some sense into this witch."

"I can sense the magic of my mother's staff. It gets stronger further down there." Mal spoke.

They walked past dozens of cells and Harry wondered just how many were once filled with the villains from the Isle. Why was it that when one of them did something wrong it's automatically lock them up but when it's one of their own it's a misunderstanding?

The thought made his blood boil. Because of this misunderstanding his love was in danger! Because of this misunderstanding it's life or death!

A sound made them halt in their footsteps. A screeching laughter echoed faintly from up ahead followed by mad shouting and raving. Harry placed a hand securely on his sword before pressing on. The laughter got louder and louder: it bounced of the murky, dirt-covered stone walls. Louder and louder until it was almost unbearable.

The corridor of cells opened up into a large room with a towering ceiling. It was covered in ivy and suspicious patches of red.

Blood. Harry knew that sight from a mile away. They circled the room looking for any clues or items to help them when Ben spoke.

"Isn't it suddenly very quiet in here?"

Harry was about to reply with a sarcastic comment. He turned on his heel-

"Well, well, well. Look who finally decided to show up. Unfortunately you might be a little late but 'the more the merrier' right?"

A silhouette appeared from the shadows. Dusted pink robes covered in dark tassels and rotted feathers. A golden crown gleaming evily in the dark.

"Audrey." Mal confirmed.

"Hello Mal, nice to see you again... not!"

"Audrey, stop this madness before it's too late. That magic is destroying you. How can you do this to your home?"

"My home. No, this was my home, Benny boo. But the people turned their backs on me for her. A VK! I wasn't bad enough for you, was I? What do you think? Wait. I don't care." she finished grinning.

So this was the little rat who hurt his pup.

"Where's Carlos?" he demanded pointing his hook threateningly at her.

"Oh, he's right over there. Look, I'll show you." she offered kindly with a sickly smirk on her face.

The shadows on one side of the room seemed to shift and disappear revealing a large cell with coarse metal bars and crumbling walls.

There was blood everywhere and the air seemed suffocating. The most horrific sight, lying motionless amongst the sea of red...

was Carlos.

Out Of Time (book 1) ✔Where stories live. Discover now