A Plan In Action

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The pirate stopped in his tracks. He felt like he heard something, someone calling his name. Was it Carlos? Could it be?

Where they close?


He spun around on the spot, straining his ears as he tried to listen. Nothing.

Earlier that morning when the sun began to rise Harry had come up with the idea to check all of the unusual secret places near them. They checked the Enchanted Lake, the hidden cave near Audrey's fairygodmothers' cottage, everywhere.

Everywhere yet no sign of Carlos.

The gang were walking back through the forest; their breaths were ragged from screaming and sprinting. They wanted to get to Carlos before Audrey did any serious damage.

"How about we check the school?" Uma suggested. "I mean if it's the most out in the open then it's the last place anyone would expect them to be." she elaborated.

"Right, hey beasty," Harry started, "is there anywhere hidden or locked away in or under the school?"

"Well I think there might be some old cells but they haven't been touched in centuries." he spoke looking confused.

How dare he!

"So you've known about this very dangerous, very dark and extremely hidden place all this time and didn't think of mentioning it before!" he raged.

"Harry!" Evie shouted. "Chill! Look I know how worried you are right now but we've got more important things to focus on than Ben's semi-decent memory, alright?"

"Aye." he growled in a deep voice, sending a withering look to Ben. "Lead the way." he ordered to the now frightened King. It was at times like this you could really see just how insane Harry could be. They needed someone to keep him cool... But unfortunately that someone wasn't with them.

It seemed to take hours to get to Auradon prep but in reality it had only been about 10 minutes.

"Right. We'll split up. Uma, you, Gil and Jay will search the school to find anything that could help us. Mal, Ben and Evie will come with me to the dungeons. Understood?"

"Aye." everyone chorused.

"Good. If we find nothing meet back here in two hours." he finished before moving towards the school.

Inside Harry was buzzing. He felt he was getting somewhere, he felt Carlos was near.

'Please let him be here.' he prayed silently.

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