All I wanted was peace

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I crave for joy and nothingness cause these feelings of awareness can contribute to the rare feeling of happy. What is love?  What is it that i crave. Why am i put in this action of sounding good while being good is hard. I'm great because all i want is your joy and not your pain. I take it and save it from whatever stops me from whatever is bound to happen . It can't happen before you my joy are all i want. I wanna change the place I'm in and i wanna concentrate on who i am. I wanna find myself because right now I'm only in others definitions i can't define myself. I'm trying new things thinking I'll find myself but the new things I've tried are falling slowly and are appearing as bad ideas before I proceed with them so i trash them. I think if i change my location i would change my view in peoples eyes but my love my joy still speaks a melody that says the truth. *Changing the mirror won't change the reflection*.  No matter where I go the way they see me shall not change neither shall it show me a different view. I should just close my eyes and dream of being happier someday as i cling on to the promise of a loved one. My love my Joy please show yourself in me for my weaknesses are now affecting my strengths. Open your eyes and ask your mirrors what they view. Now deem their light because they only need your light to reflect you and see if it still shows you who you are in the dark. You cannot see your reflection anymore. So can't they. Now my Joy can only see who i am and can show me what i can do. Stay forever oww Joy for my love is strong and give me a sound mind as i have my thoughts

My tears are not worthless

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