First Period

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Anna's on her period rn so she had this idea.

This story/part is definitely worth reading.


In this story, y/n is Billie's 13 year old sister. (Please read Emergency, Help!! and Self-harm first.)

y/n pov 

"Ringgggg!!..." I woke up to the ear drum bursting sound of my alarm clock ringing. You're so annoying, alarm clock! I thought to myself. I turned around to look at my phone, it was 9 am in the morning, Saturday. I had dance training today. I kicked the blankets off my overheated body and stood up. I stretched before walking into my bathroom and got ready for the day. 

I just turned thirteen a week ago and Billie turned 17 just yesterday. (Random info)

I picked my dance wear and took a quick shower. When I was finally ready, I walked out of my bedroom, into the living room. I made myself a vegan peanut butter bread as I couldn't be bothered to make anything else fancy. I was practically still half asleep. 

When I was done eating, I put on some shoes, grabbed my dance bag and was out of the house door by 10 am. I didn't want to disturb my parents or Billie as they slept late yesterday so I decided to take the public bus myself.

*time skip to reaching dance studio*

When the bus arrived, I alighted and stepped into the main doors of the studio. Hazel and Ella were already there, stretching. I joined them and we chatted till Mrs Ardea, our dance coach arrived. 

When she was in the middle of teaching our new contemporary trio, my stomach suddenly pushed and twisted. It hurt so bad that I had to sit out. Mrs Ardea was nice and she poured warm tea for me. My stomach felt better. I sat out for the rest of the training till it was over. I texted Billie to come fetch me as it was 2 pm and she was probably awake already. 

Not long after, Billie replied, she agreed. After a few minutes, she arrived and I stepped into the passenger seat of her Dodge Challenger, waving 'goodbye' to Hazel and Ella. 

In the middle of the car ride, my stomach started hurting like crazy again. I couldn't help but bend forward, hugging my stomach. As much as I tried not to make any noise, I groaned softly at the excruciating pain. It felt as if my insides were crushed. Billie obviously noticed and she asked with concern, "What's wrong, my pancake?". 

"My stomach h-hurts..." I stuttered due to the immense pain. 

"Gosh! Are you okay?! What did you eat wrong?!" She replied, still focused on driving.

"Might be the vegan ice was two days expired.." I groaned in pain.

"I'll drive faster, you'll be fine." She assured.

*time skip to reaching home*

We stepped out of the car. My stomach felt way better, it was so weird. Suddenly it will hurt crazy and then it will stop. 

I had the urge to go pee so I did. I walked into the toilet, pulled my pants down and sat on the toilet bowl. What I saw on my underwear scared me. I didn't expect it at all. Blood. I knew I was gonna get it one day. My period. There was a huge patch of blood on my white underwear. What a perfect day to wear my favourite pair of underwear. Luckily I wore black tights or it would have been so embarrassing.

I didn't know what to do at first. Should I tell Billie? Or Should I keep it a secret till she finds out herself? Mom wasn't home as she was hiking with dad. I'm gonna tell Billie. It's gonna be embarrassing though! Will she laugh at for making a mess in my underwear?! 

Whatever. I'm gonna just tell her. "B-Billie?!" I shouted. I instantly regret it. What was she going to say? 

"Yes?!" She exclaimed back from the living room.

"C-come here!!" I replied, getting nervous. 

"Coming!!" She said as she walked towards the toilet.

Billie knocked on the bathroom door before pushing it open and coming in. "I-I got my p-period" I said embarrassingly.

She saw my bloody underwear. "Aww, pancake, there's nothing to be ashamed about! All girls get it at some point of life! You're a big girl now!" She explained. 

"W-what do I do?" I asked. This was very awkward. 

"I'll wash your underwear since it's your first time. I'll get you a new pair of underwear and pants."

Billie walked off and came back with comfortable shorts, underwear and a sanitary pad. "No wonder you had a stomachache just now."

"Ohh.. so it wasn't the vegan ice cream." I chuckled, feeling less embarrassed. I took of my pants together with my underwear. Billie told me to take a warm shower as it helps the cramps. I stepped into the shower and washed the bloody areas and dried myself. I changed into the new shorts and underwear. I've learnt about sanitary pads in school but they didn't explain how to use it. "Bil? How does this work?" I asked, holding up the pad. She taught me how to put it on and I felt way cleaner after the quick shower.

After that, Billie drove me to the pharmacy to get more period and hygiene products. On the way there, we had a "girl talk" about periods and all that stuff.

When we finally reached the pharmacy, Billie brought me straight to the period isle and she explained everything from pads to tampons. 

"I don't want you to have any pressure on using a tampon, only use one when you think you're ready. Ask me for help anytime!" She explained. Billie was very open about periods. She bought tampons, pads and razors. She said that when we got home, she will teach me how to use the razor. I was excited and dreading it at the same time. I heard that periods really suck, I wasn't ready but I'm sure Billie will make me ready. I can't wait to be a grown up.

After the pharmacy, we got home and Billie ordered vegan pizza and we ate it in my room while watching Netflix the whole day.

Probably the best first period anybody has experienced.

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