Chapter 3

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Dam sat staring at the spaghetti and stew his mother had prepared for him with boredom blazing from his soul, twisting the spaghetti around his fork. He rotated it back and forth, caring less about the awkward silence that filled the table. Everyone was staring at him, expecting him to place the fork into his mouth. But he was currently without an appetite.

His appetite seemed to have disappeared the moment Victoria walked out of his doors. He could not bring himself to open his lips and chew on anything. The taste, smell of any food not hers aroused nothing in him.

His red eyes were with bags underneath them as sleeping alone in his house felt foreign to him. Every inch of his home reminded him of her. There was no way he could sleep without knowing where she was. If she was safe or if something dangerous had happened to her.

It was as if everything about him had evolved around her. Three years of being together, and he was a shadow of himself in two months of not hearing her voice, of not touching her skin. Two months of not making love to her or hearing her moan. Two months of not having someone to laugh with or fight with, two months of being void and bitter.

"Are you going to eat that? Or will you continue playing with it?" He looked up from his plate. His eyes grazed over everyone at the table. His two sisters and their mates were sitting right opposite each other. His father and mother sat on the other end, opposite where he sat. His beta Corey and gamma Dale were both sitting beside him, watching him.

None of them would have guessed he had ended up as miserable as he was now. After all, his mate was a human. And he was the same alpha that took after his father at the age of seventeen, brought the pride out of its bankrupt state, to one of the richest in only eight years of his ruling.

Dam got up from his seat exhaustion weighed on him as he pushed back the sit into the table. He needed to continue his search. She was his anyways. He couldn't expect them to understand what was going on in his mind when none of them were in his shoes.

"Dam!" His mother called with worry in her voice as he walked out of the kitchen dining area. He has lost a noticeable amount of muscle mass. His skin was pale, and the beast in him seemed closer to the surface as the day passes. She got up from her seat and followed behind him to his office. Where he sat in silence, looking over his emails if anything useful had gotten in while he was away. "Dam," she called from behind him, tangling her fingers into his long curls as he ignores her presence.

She rested her head on his kissing his hair as tears bubbles through her eyes. "You have to let her go." He flinched away from her touch and looked up at her. "If she loved you, she wouldn't have left you. You have a lot of things ahead of you, and you can't give it all up for a human that's unable to bear you pups." She spoke to him with intention, kneeling right in front of him as his chair swerved back.

"You need to get back to handling the pack matters. I cannot handle my work, yours and Corey's. That is too much for me." She said, and he looked at her confused.

"What are you talking about?" The voice of his beast took his mother by surprise as she let go of his face, annoyance lingering in his authority. They all knew he has been working extra hard. That is all he could do to get his mind off rampaging through every other pack and pride. And make sure their alphas were telling him the truth.

"Didn't you notice how withdrawn both Corey and Dale were at the table?" She asked, and he looked at her even more confused as she rose to her feet. "Ever since the first vampire incident and your wife's disappearance. Corey has been acting strange." His eyes looked at her from head to toe expecting her to continue. When she didn't, he rested his jaw on his shoulder, staring out of his office window, before closing his eyes as he listened to her walk towards him. Her arms pulled him towards her as he wraps his arms around her waist. "Your grief is weighing on the pack Dam, be careful, so you do not lose your place, and we lose our home. Replace her before it is too late." She said, letting him go but not before placing a longing kiss on his soft long hair. His aura peaked as she fastened her pace towards the door.

Dam rose to his feet, sitting on the edge of his desk, "Mother?" The bass in his voice halted his mother as she attempted to pull the door open.

"Should I replace you too?" He stared at her with boredom dripping off him in waves that made his mother almost draw back away from him.

"Now I understand why Victoria was so eager to leave my pride. Why she never felt accepted by her people," he pointed at the woman that birthed him. "You dislike the fact that I have a human mate, don't you?" Dam glared at her with knowing. He knew his mother hated Victoria. She saw her as nothing but filth, who couldn't even provide pups to help her son hold the title even stronger.

"She didn't deserve you, Dam. A lioness is what you need. A king like you needs a queen that will conceive strong children, children that will serve the pride after you are long gone, Dam. Humans are weak. Human bodies are fragile and cannot carry beasts like us. I won't sit back and watch our generation crumble at my feet."

"Your racism has blinded your sense of judgment, mother. I will not sit back and watch you call my mate weak." He growled at her making his mother swallow her spit. She watched him place his hand on the laptop closing it with force. "She is the reason why this pack is what it is, mother. You are weaker than her." He hissed as hatred flashed through his eyes. The beast in him was already at the surface, clawing to tear her face off. Mother or not, no one disrespected his mate.

"So you know, the reason she is not with pup yet is because of me. That has nothing to do with her. So warn your little gang and yourself that Victoria is mine. She is here to stay, so pray I find her, or else I am taking you all down with me."

"Not while I am here Dam," he looked away from his mother to the opened door as Corey protrudes his head into the room. Dam growled low, standing up from the edge of the table, ready to challenge what he meant by that. "I got a call from one of my men. And I know where Victoria is residing, Dam." Corey said, lifting his head high. He walked into the room as Dam's mother left it.

"Okay, I am listening!" Dam watched him with intent as his whole body peaked with interest.

"The only problem is the alpha she is sheltering with."

"And who is that?" He asked, confused as he leaned against his office table.

"Alpha Andrew Martins, right next to us towards our Southern west. I forgot the name of the pack." Dam smirked.

His hair created a shadow over his face as he looked up at Corey, who also had dark circles underneath his eyes. They both stood close to each other. With Corey standing right in front of Dam, who was leaning against the side of the table. "A werewolf alpha, huh!" He laughed. "I underestimated her intelligence."

Hey guys, thanks for reading, voting, and commenting.

Don't mind the chapter numbering system you can continue to the next chapter if you want to...the story is completed and I'm just editing. Also feel free to point out any errors or mistakes.

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