O N E - F L A S H B A C K

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You don't have to read this if you don't want to but,




But seriously.


Anyways, I hope you like this book, please Vote, comment on what you think and tell me if there are any mistakes!

-Brownie :)


Hi! This is the first author's note I've ever written so I'd just like to say that this was actually a challenge my friends and I are doing. We each have to give another person a genre that they don't usually write in. (Mine is romance) @Rebel_Girl_23 was the one who challenged me romance, and I challenged her Paranormal. 

I am very new at this, so, sorry if there are a lot of cringe-worthy scenes, and mistakes.

Here are the people that are also doing this challenge with me, check to their books too! :






    Cara could feel the cold bite of December on her skin. The sky was almost black. There weren't many people outside on this cold day.

    She was wearing the charm bracelet that Ben had given her, it had a golden heart on it with a picture of them together. 

    Ben had also given her his red scarf because it was so cold that her nose had taken on a red color. He had insisted that they go home, it was freezing. 

    But Cara didn't want to go home. Because today was a very special day.

    That day, December 14th was their 2nd year anniversary.

    Cara kissed him again, smiling. "Please? Come on, Ben. Please?" She begged, "The cafe is known to be really good. And it'll be warm inside." Ben shrugged, finally giving in.

    "Fine. Let me run an errand first. Give me 10 minutes," He said, giving her his wallet. "And get me a chocolate custard donut." Cara beamed, nodding at her boyfriend. She hugged him, knowing she had won this round.

    "You won't regret it!" She sang skipping happily to the cafe. "Hurry though ok?" Ben nodded, the tips of his mouth moving upwards slightly as he walked to the corner store across the street. 

    "I'll wait for you!" Cara yelled, smiling.

    Cara walked into the cafe and ordered their food. She took off her coat and sat down at a two-person table in front of the window where she could see Ben when he walked out of the store.

     As she munched on her blueberry muffin and sipped her coffee, Cara texted her friend.

    Carajane^﹏^:  im at the cafe!

    Kitkatengland:  Wait, he actually agreed to go there?

    Carajane^﹏^:  Yup! This is a great 2 year anniversary! He had the whole day planned out and gave me a charm bracelet!

    Kitkatengland:  awww... u 2 r so cute!

    Carajane^﹏^:   I know! Ben had an errand and is coming soon. I'll tell u everything later

    Kitkatengland:  Kay, cya 

    Carajane^﹏^:  bye 

    Cara tucked away her phone and glanced out the window. She saw Ben walking out of the corner store and waved. He waved back and looked both ways before crossing the street.

    It should have been safe for him to walk. 

    He should have been able to make it to the other side. 

    He should have been able to make it back to her. 

    But he didn't. 

    Because at that moment, a truck came barreling down the street, full steam ahead. 

    The driver didn't stop. 

    Ben tried to get out of the way.

    But it was too late.

    The truck smashed into Ben.

     But the truck didn't stop right away.

    Instead, it swerved, hitting a pole, creating a dent in the truck.

    But Cara didn't notice. 

    All she could see was Ben, on the street. 

    Just laying there.




    Sooooo, what did you think of the first chapter? Sad right? Also if there are any mistakes, please tell me so I can fix them. Comment what you think!


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