T W O - L I T T L E R E M I N D E R S

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Chapter Two

    Cara woke up, panting, drenched in sweat from her nightmare. It had been going on for weeks now. Every time she closed her eyes, all she could see was Ben's dead body on the street. She had remembered running out of the cafe and just standing over his body, numb.

    She remembered that she didn't cry, all she did was stand there. A cafe worker had come out and called for help.     

    This nightmare--- memory-- was another reminder of how his death had been her fault. 

    Cara breathed deeply and checked her alarm clock. It was 5:43 am. Ben never woke up early, he hated mornings.

    Today she was going to start her new job as a Hot Spots writer at STAR Articles.

      Cara pulled herself out of bed and took a cold shower to wake herself up. After brushing her teeth and washing her face, Cara put some light makeup on.

    She threw on black jeans, a white turtleneck, and a red fluffy sweater.

    Ben had loved the color red.

      She brushed her hair out, letting it tumble in little brown waves. Cara pulled on her black boots, black coat, and Ben's red scarf. 


    Reaching for her bag, she stopped, another memory of Ben resurfacing.

    He had taken her shopping for large bags to put her writing stuff in the day before University started.

    Before leaving, Cara glanced at the calendar. Today was December 1st. No wonder everything reminded her of Ben.

    When tears threatened to come, Cara gulped and breathed as deeply as she could. This had to stop, Ben wasn't here anymore. 

    Ben was gone. 

    And he wasn't coming back.

    Shaking her head, Cara slammed the door of her apartment shut and headed for her favorite Coffee Shop.

    I have a new beginning, thought Cara. It's time to move on.


    Max yawned, stretching himself out. He rolled around in his bed, not wanting to get up. He checked the time, and it was 6'o clock, which was unusual for him. Max was always an early bird. 

    Maybe I'll just sleep a little bit more, he thought to himself. But before he could close his eyes again, his phone began ringing.

    Max checked the caller ID. It was Sam. Impulsively, stupidly, he answered.

    "What do you want." 

    Sam laughed, "Just to check up on my brother. It must have been quite a surprise, walking in on..." He trailed off. 

    Max grunted, his usual calm chipping. "What do you want," He repeated.

    "You know she was a gold digger, right? I was doing you a favor."

    Max was getting irritated. "Is that all? Ok, bye then."

    "WAIT! Sorry, I wanted to say that I dropped her. I didn't expect her to... Yeah, so, I'm sorry, but not sorry..." Sam kept on blabbering about something, making Max boil over.

    He abruptly canceled the call and dragged himself out of bed. Max took a cold shower, got changed, then sat in his chair at his balcony.

    Enjoying the peace, he snapped a few photos of the scenery. Suddenly he remembered something.

    Max grabbed his phone and went through his work contacts, finding Kelly. He scrolled back to one of their conversations.

    " 'You will be having a new partner who will be arriving on December 1st this year! Her name is Cara Vos.' " He read aloud.

    A new partner! And she was coming today! Now alert and awake, Max grabbed his jacket and decided to go to the little coffee shop around the corner. It was called 'Coffee Shop'. Original right? 

   He decided that today he would start over, forget about his worries, because they were in the past.

    Today would be the beginning of his new, revised life.


    Sooo, how was it? If you didn't realize, the perspectives alternate from Cara to Max. If you see this: ........................, it means that the perspectives alternate. If you see this: ..................., it doesn't mean that the perspectives alternate, it means that there is a new scene.

    If you enjoy my book so far, Vote! And if there are any mistakes, please tell me. Comment what you think!


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