A U T H O R 'S N O T E

13 3 2

HEY! Guess what? This book is finished! Yay! Thanks for sticking this long, ad I hope you enjoyed reading this. 

if you didn't know, this is a challenge I am doing with my friends.

Here are the people that are also doing this challenge with me, check to their books too! :




Here are some other books I'm writing, some of them are on hold and the next one I'm going to finish is The Angel and The Devil.

My writing Booklist:

1. I'll Wait For You

2. The Angel and The Devil

3. Under The Rosebush

4. Secrets (Book 1 of the Secrets Trilogy)

5. The Blood Wars - Throwing Starr

Side projects that are updated randomly:

1. Happily Ever After Is A LIE


1. Promise - coming soon!

2. Shadows of the Deep - still brainstorming!

3. Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire - coming soon!

The Angel and The Devil 


What happens when the Angel and The Devil fall in love and have a kid? Angelica Devile is the daughter of The Devil and The Angel. And yes- her name is an alteration of Angel and Devil. She is the literal spawn of Satan- as well as a gift from heaven. She's more powerful than an Angel and more powerful than a Devil, making her a dangerous war tool. There's just one twist- no one knows she exists. 

When her secret is revealed to the Mythic World of good and bad, she is considered an abomination. In the words of most, 'She Must Die.' In her fight for survival, it's getting harder to see which side is good.

But then you have to wonder... Were they ever good in the first place?


#2 in good vs#3 in Mythic#181 in Mythical#354 in Devil#599 in survival#632 in Bad

-Brownie :)

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