F I V E - H O T S P O T S

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 Chapter Five

   I tugged at the hem of the dress that Madam Cosette had given me to wear to the bar. Madam Cosette was one of the fashion designers for the employees at STAR, and since this was my first assignment, she was assigned to give me a makeover, and she also had the most amazing french accent.

    Max and I were going to a bar, where apparently the star of the new TV show, Jan Morgan, was hanging. We were supposed to take pictures of the bar and Jan. 

    Being a Hot Spots writer practically means that you get to visit cool places and give them publicity. If you can find a famous person at one of the places, they get more publicity, meaning we get paid more. 

    I was kind of excited. 

     "Twirl for me, mon Cherie," said Madam Cosette. I spun around in the sparkling black dress that reached my knees and flared out into blue ruffles, with a slit on the left side, hugging my body. I had on black heels that matched, and my hair was down in cute waves and highlighted.

    "Is all this really necessary?" I ask her.

    "Yes, mon Cherie, you are ze beautiful butterfly. And I like you more zen zat Max boy." She paused for a moment, spinning me around. "Somezing is missing..." She walks to the back of the room and brings out a beautiful onyx necklace. She fastens it around my neck and claps. "Zere, now you are ze beautiful-est butterfly to ever flap inz my room."

    I blush, "You are too kind Madam Cosette. Thank you though." She shook her head, smiling at me.

    "You can callz me Cosette, mon Cherie, and whatz I say iz true. Zat Max will fall flatz on hiz face after seeing you." She ushes me toward the door. "Now Go! Your Prinze Charming is waiting for you."

    "Thanks, Cosette!" I yell as I run out the door to meet Max.

    I think I made a friend.


    The bar was packed, and I wasn't sure where Max disappeared to. "Can I have a tequila?" I asked the bartender. He nodded and got to work on making my drink.

     I scan the room again, noticing Jan in the corner talking to someone. So far nothing interesting had happened.

    The pace was nice, blue, purple, black, and red themed. There was a crowded dance floor and a DJ blaring out pop songs. 

    "You're new here." Said a voice from behind me as the bartender passed me my drink. I turned around to see a good-looking blonde-haired and blue-eyed man taking a seat next to me. He gave off a player vibe.

    I raise my eyebrows, "Yea." He nodded and ordered a beer.

    "I'm Sam Jakes. What brings you to my humble club?" He asks.

    "It's yours?"

    He nods. "Yup." I take a sip of my tequila.


    He shakes his head, "Not really. I want to be a businessman but baby steps right?" 

    "Why are you telling me this...?" I question. 

    He shrugs, chugging his beer. "You seem nice I guess."


    "Your boyfriend is staring daggers at me now."

    "Who?" I ask, frowning. He points to Max who was making his way towards us.

    "Jakes." Said Max stiffly.

    "Edwards." Sam says, seeming to not care that Max was currently staring daggers at him. "How are you doing?"

    "Fine. I see you've met Cara."

    "You two know each other?" I butt in.

   "Sadly." Answers Max.

    "We're step-brothers." Says Sam. 

    Oh... That was probably why Max really didn't like him. Wanting to get away from this extreme tension, I pay for my drink and grab Max's hand. "We'll be going now. It was nice to meet you, Sam."

    I drag Max outside and take out my phone, about to call for a cab. "What was that about?" I ask him.


    "What was that about?" She asked him.

 Max shook his head, "We... don't like each other."

     How could he tell her that Sam was a brainless jerk, that he was a fox under sheep's clothing? That Sam had slept with Max's fiancee behind his back? That he was the reason that STAR went through it's Dark Ages?

     She looked at him, confused, then shrugged. "It's your life I guess. The tension in that room was just too much. I could probably have cut it with a butter knife. And I called a cab." She shivered, and Max realized that she only had her dress and a light black shawl on. 

    Madam Cosette should really think about what month we're in, he thought. 

    Without thinking, Max took off his leather jacket and put it over her shoulders. 

    Cara looks up at him surprised and smiled slightly, "Thanks." She turned back to the street, a faint blush crawling up her neck. 

    And if she had turned to look at Max, she would also have seen a less faint blush creeping up his cheeks.


    Do you feel a budding romance? I do! So what do you think about Sam? Is he going to play a bigger role in this? And what about the ex-fiancee Jade? Read more to find out! Anyways, please Vote, comment on mistakes and what you think.  

    What will happen next? Dun, Dun, DUUN!!! Have a nice day!


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