F O U R - C A R A M E E T S M A X

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  Chapter Four

     Cara rushed to the building for work. Right at the front of the building, Cara stopped, straightened herself and walked into the busy building.

    "Welcome to STAR Articles!" Said the woman at the front desk. "How can I help you?" Cara straightened herself again, slightly nervous.

    "Uh... Hi, I'm the Hot Spots writer... " Cara smiled, balancing the box of office supplies on her hip.

    "Oh! Yes, you're Max's new partner. I'm Kelly by the way." The woman said warmly.

    "I'm Cara, nice to meet you... who is Max?"

    "Max Edward. We have partners at STAR. A photographer and a writer." Kelly said.

     "Oh... cool..." Cara fidgeted. She probably should have looked through the papers explaining things.

    "Oh!" Kelly chuckled. "Sorry for keeping you! Here is all the information you need. Your office, manager, boss, and partner. STAR is a great place to work!" Kelly handed her a heavy file with papers inside. 

    "Thanks." Cara wave to her and head for the elevator. She checked the paper for her office number. It said 3rd-floor hallway B #208. 


    Finally finding her office, Cara stumbled in to find that the room was divided in half exactly. Max probably shared this office with her.

    On Max's side was a large black desk and black rolling chair. There was a basketball hoop on the side with a trash can underneath. Pictures covered the walls and photo albums were on shelves. Near the window was a printer and plants hung from the window. The room was finished with a white rug in the middle.

    Whoever this Max was, he definitely had a sense of style, thought Cara. Cara set down the heavy box on her identical desk and began to arrange her things. 

    When she was done, books covered the shelf and pictures of all the places she had visited hung on the walls. Cara added a little cactus plant at the corner of her desk and a picture of her family. On the other side of her desk was writing supplies and next to it her favorite mug that said, "Sometimes I go hours without drinking coffee. It's called sleeping."  On her side of the office near the window, Cara had hung up one of her favorite quotes. 

    "Life is not a fairytale. If you lose a shoe at midnight, you're drunk."

    There was also a coat rack by the door, so she hung her coat and scarf on it. She tucked her writing bag next to her desk and sat down, satisfied. 

    Cara leaned back in her chair, relaxing when the door suddenly swung open, startling her.

    "What do you mean it's not working?" A tall man walked in. Cara could hear murmuring from the phone. "Then fix it! It's your job isn't it!" The call abruptly ended with the man grumbling something. He suddenly turned to her. 

    "Oh! Um... sorry you had to hear that... it's just a bad day for me." He brought his hand out. "I'm Max. You must be Cara." 

    She shook his hand and smiled. "Yup, that's me. Who were you talking to?"

    "The editing idiots. They ruined one of my expensive photoshoots." 

    Cara studied the man. He towered above her at almost 7 feet, brown hair and deep blue eyes. He was handsome, and gave off a 'nice and serious guy' vibe.

    "So..." She asked, "What's our first assignment?"


    Max smiled sheepishly, he didn't usually snap at people like that. But thinking back, hadn't he seen her somewhere before? After thinking, he remembered her as the girl who had ruined his almost perfect shot! 

    She had short curly brown hair and the most mesmerizing icy blue eyes. She was short, barely reaching 5 feet 10, though she had the attitude to make up for it. Cara Vos was her name.

    After they conversed, Max had brought her to Madam Cosette, who fussed over her extensively. 

"Such a beautiful butterfly ze is, eh Max? Ze would be an excellent..." Madam Cosette trailed off, wiggling her eyebrows at him.

    He had shaken his head, Madam Cosette could dream on. While waiting for Cara, Max's phone had kept on ringing. When he finally picked it up, he heard a sickeningly familiar voice saying, "Max, please, let's talk." 

    He immediately blocked the number. He wasn't going to talk to his cheating ex-fiancee Jade. His phone rung a couple more times, then begun beeping with texts.


    Max, please let's talk


    I miss you






    It was a mistake


    Please talk to me

     Max blocked the number, growing frustrated. When will she stop and understand that he is over her? She was nothing to him, yet she couldn't seem to understand that. Max unblocked the number and texted her back.

     Max Edwards:

    txt or call or try to communicate, I WILL file a restraining order

    Max blocked the number again and tucked his phone back in his pocket.

    He was done with her, even if she didn't want to be.

    If only she understood the meaning of no.


    This one was longer, as promised. Please Vote, comment on mistakes and what you think! The next chapter will reveal some things...

    Anyways, have a nice day!


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