S E V E N - F R I E N D S

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Chapter Seven- Friends

    Cara was crying, but she wasn't sure why. She could feel the cold bite of December. This was an important day, but she couldn't remember why. 

    The tears continued to pour down her face, seemingly endless.

    She still didn't know why she was crying.

    Why was she crying?

    Looking around, she could see that she was on a road. Behind her was a cute cafe. It seemed so familiar...

    Cara was confused.

    Until she saw his body lying on the road.


    Her Ben.



    Cara woke up, crying, her hair wet and messy.

    She hated these nightmares. 

    She hated herself.

    Cara curled up, hugging her knees, practicing to breathe as her therapist had taught her. 

    A sudden "RING!" from her phone startled her, and she picked it up. 

    "Hello?" Said the person on the phone.

    Cara sniffed, wiping her eyes. "Um, sorry who is this? You sound familiar but I can't quite remember."

    "It's Max, and... wait, are you crying?"

    Cara blew her nose on a tissue. "Uh... no. I'm... uh, allergies! Yes, allergies."

    "Ok..." Max didn't sound convinced. "I was wondering if you are free today. Kelly said we should... Bond..."

    "She did?"

    Max cleared his throat. "Yeah, check your texts. It's probably there."

    "Ok... hold on a sec." Cara went to messages and sure enough, there was a text from Kelly.


    Hi! It's me, Kelly, from work, and I was thinking that you and max should do some group bonding time! Get to know each other! Anyways, bye!

    "Uh... Cara? you there?" Max asked.

    "Yup. She sent one to me." Cara patted her hair down.

    "So do you want to meet up... at the Coffee Shop? Like in ten?" 

    "In ten!?"

    "Is that too early?"

    Cara jumped out of bed and ran to her closet. "Uh... no, not a problem at all! I'll meet you there in ten!" She pushed end call on her phone and jumped in the shower.

    After jumping in the shower, she jumped out and quickly dried herself. As she was brushing her teeth and drying her hair, Cara was trying to choose an outfit.

    "Uh... What am I supposed to wear!?!" She hadn't done her laundry in two weeks... 

    Finally, Cara pulled out black jeans and a grey cashmere sweater. She yanked on her brown boots and quickly brushed out her still wet hair, then pulling it into two little buns.

    Cara grabbed her purse and jacket, rushing out the door to meet Max.


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