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Jealousy~Monsta x

Y/N's pov

I opened the gift Taeyong left me.

It was a engagement ring, made out of the most rarest diamond of the sea.

I placed it on my ring finger and smiled.

Candy was out with Jungkook again.

A knock sounded from my door.

"Come in!" I smiled.

"Hey Y/N, Prince Felix is here to see you!" Called Candy excitedly.

"Aright, tell him I'll be there in a minute!" I replied.

I left my room after putting the box in my sand drawer.

"Hey I have something for you." Began Felix as he placed a box in my hands.

"Woah!" I replied as I opened the medium blue box he gave me.

Inside was a charm bracelet, made out of Australia's finest diamonds and sea crystals.

"Woah Felix you customized this?" I asked.

"Yep." He nodded as he awkwardly scratched his blonde hair.

"Wanna go watch the fireworks together?" He asked.

"Sure, I was gonna ask you if you wanted to join us to see the fireworks tonight!" I smiled.

Felix held my hand as we went up towards the surface.

Not far, we heard a dolphin click.

"Hey Prince Chenle and Nct princes." Called Felix, waving at Prince Chenle and Nct Dream princes.

"Hey Prince Felix and Prince Jungkook! Hey Princess Y/N Princess Candy! Also just call us by our first names, like Chenle is fine!" Smiled Chenle widely as he swam over to where Felix and me.

"Then don't adress us so formally either." Laughed Felix.

"Felix you didn't tell me you liked Y/N too!" Yelled Chenle, realizing.

"Shhh!" warned Felix.

"Oh yeah, Taeyong is here too, BUT FELIX YOU DIDN'T TELL ME! You know my hyung loves her a lot!" Mark interupted.

"Chenle be quiet!" Warned Felix.

"Oh my, Taeyong's going to kill you if he finds out!" Adds Renjun who overheard the conversation.

"No kidding!" Nodded Jaemin who smirked.

"Good luck Felix." Says Mark with a wink.

"I don't care." Shrugged Felix.

"Well, don't say we didn't warn  you." Shrugged Mark.

"Doesn't he already have an arranged marriage with someone?" Asked Felix.

"With a sea witch arg!" Cringed Chenle in reply.

Irene, Doyoung, Yeri and Taeyong approached us.

"Why hello Princesses and Prince Felix." Smiled Taeyong.

Although Taeyong's eyes narrowed when he saw Felix.

"Greetings Prince Taeyong." Bowed Felix, who felt a strange domineering pressure from Taeyong.

Irene and Yeri glanced at me, they both narrowed their eyes at me as if realizing something. Irene whispered something to Yeri, whose gaze turned into a challenging and betrayl.

"May I have a word alone with Prince Felix." Began Taeyong.

"Sure." Shrugged Felix as he followed Taeyong back underwater.


"Is it true, you like her?" Asked Taeyong, his piercing gaze upon Felix.

"So you heard." Replied Felix, looking away.

"Chenle is known for being a big dolphin mouth and spilling truths. I overheard plenty of their little conversations. So I suggest you be honest Prince Felix." Replied Taeyong as he glared at Felix.

"So what if I did? You have a fiance already?!" Felix glared back.

"You know dam well she is pure evil and nothing like Y/N!" Growled Taeyong

"What are you going to do?" Felix growled in reply.

"Oh you know perfectly well what I'm capable of, I can bring the wrath of the entire sea upon you if I want to!" Growled Taeyong.


Taeyong and Felix returned, who looked somewhat annoyed.

I knew Taeyong was jealous, judging by how Felix stood quietly next to Chenle.

Felix then smiled at me as we watched the fireworks.

I was between Felix and Taeyong,

After the fireworks, Felix then turned to me.
"Hey Y/N, See you around, I'm gonna go home but I'll see you guys around!" He smiled as he made a water portal, about to travel away.

"Well it was nice watching the fireworks with you guys!" I smiled as I hugged them both.

Both of them blushed but they secretly glared at eachother.

"Well, guess we better go back to." Smiled Taeyong sadly.

Felix jumped into the water portal, and left.

Taeyong and the others dove back underwater too.

Meanwhile back in the Northern Sea Palace

"Sis what are you planning?" Asks Yeri.

"If you want to be happy with Taeyong then we have to get rid of Y/N." growled Irene.

"I don't want to be with him anymore!" Yelled Yeri in defiance.

"Too bad, father says one of us are gonna eventually have to marry him!" Yelled Irene.

"Then what is your plan?" Asked Yeri.

"My plan is to get rid of her once and for all!" Smiled Irene evily.

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