Run Away

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Run Away~TXT

Taeyong dreaded this day with all his heart. He did not love Yeri at all. He wanted to see her so badly Y/N so badly. In the middle of the wedding he left, adruptly leaving from the ceremony.


Y/N's  Pov

I sat in the back next to Felix, Bangchan, Candy and Jungkook.

Suddenly, I felt a pair of eyes upon me.

A handsome young mint haired man glanced at me. His eyes widened in realization of something.

"Why does she look like someone I know." Wondered Suga out loud.

Almost everyone were invited to the ceremony, even BTS from the Shadow Kingdom.

"Wait Amy!" Realized Suga suddenly.

Suddenly Taeyong was by my side.

"We have to go now!" Yelled Taeyong as he dragged me out of the palace.

"But where?" I asked as I tried my best to keep up with him.

"Remember what I told you?" He asked.

He dragged me towards an ocean portal, we then swam to the surface of the new location.

The mythical forest of a kingdom loomed ahead.

"Go, remember that necklace I gave you!" Ordered Taeyong.

"But what about you?" I asked.

"I will join you after I sort this out!" replied Taeyong briskly.

Suddenly, mermaid soldiers with spears surrounded us with spears.

"You can try swimming away but you can never out swim me!" Smiled Yeri. Irene started shouting orders at the guards.

"Irene and Yeri let her go!" Commanded Taeyong.

"No! Guards seize her!" Ordered Irene.

I felt asharp pain from my tail and was thrown onto a flat stone along the shore. It feels strange to be on land, the pain is just too much and so I closed my eyes.

"Irene and Yeri HOW DARE YOU!" Yelled Taeyong.

"Now honey, lets continue this wedding." Says Yeri.

"Let's go she'll be alright." Says Yeri,  who
pretended to smile too.

"She will be banished from the entire sea kingdom!" Yelled Irene.


Third pov

"Noooooo!" Yelled a voice from the sea.

Suga who managed to make his way to the shore along with Jungkook and Candy were too late.

They watched in horror as Y/N's bloody mermaid tail transformed to legs.

"Woah." Goes Felix as he managed to crawl onto the land. His tail too quickly transformed back to legs, as he walked onto the warm sand.

"Y/N are you alright!" Felix asked as he got a little close to her.

"Answer me!" Yelled Felix as he shook her unconscious body.

"Quick, we need to take her to the lake to heal!" Called Jungkook.

"Let's go!" Hissed Suga.

Felix carried Y/N, and followed Suga, Jungkook and Candy. It felt strange to be on land again for Candy, but she adapted to the new environment fairly quickly like Y/N did.

"How long is the journey?" Asked Candy.

"About a day if we're lucky." Replied Suga, looking ahead.

"Will she live?" Asked Felix.

"I checked her heartbeat, I think she'll be fine." Replied Suga.

"She'll just need to hang in there." Replied Jungkook, looking straight ahead.

"So will I be able to change back to a mermaid again?" Asked Candy.

"Yeah, its just you temporarily don't have your tail when you're on land."  Replied Jungkook.

"He's right." Replied Felix.

"So where you taking her?" Asked Candy.

"We're going to take her to Lake Bst Blood Sweat Tears to heal her." Replied Suga.

"Lake BST?!" Asked Felix, a bit confused.

"It's a rainbow healing lake, because Blood (red , orange, blue), Sweat (yellow and green) and Tears( violet and indigo)." Replied Jungkook.

"Woah, that's so cool mate." Smiled Felix
"I mean Prince Jungkook..." he says again.

"Jungkook is fine, also no need to be so formal with us." Smiled Jungkook.

"We may be the Seven most powerful princes of Shadow Kingdom, but we aren't that intimidating." Smiled Suga.

"Guys look! I see the lake!" Pointed out Candy hurriedly.

"Great, now just gently place her in the lake, the magical waters will help her float on her own." Replied Suga.

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