How cute

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Felix didn't wake up until the next week, which was during my wedding with Taeyong.

Felix smiled sadly at me from the front row seats of the wedding and waved. I waved back and smiled.

Taeyong's eyes followed who I was waving to and smirked a little.


"Take good care of her!" Called Felix after Taeyong.

"I will!" Replied Taeyong as he let me get onto his scaly dragon back.

"Goodbye guys!" I waved at Candy, Jungkook and friends.

Taeyong smiled as we left for our honeymoon.

Monthes later

Taeyong growled at Candy who entered our bedroom.

"It's okay love, she's just dropping off the gifts." I reassured him, petting his scaly back.

The fluffy golden dragon huffed and glared at Candy.

"Drop them here and leave." He growled as a puff of smoke almost hit Candy.

Candy flinched, quickly placed the gift bags down and fled the scene.

Why had he been like this? Well ever since I told him that I was pregnant, he's been following me around 24/7 non stop and been fairly protective these days.

"That wasn't very nice." I commented.

Taeyong ignored me and got distracted as he played with a round  pillow.

"How cute." I commented again as I pat him gently.

Taeyong blinked at me cutely before dozing off a little.

Meanwhile outside

"We need to get him outside." Began Doyoung one day.

"Yeah, he's hoarding her like treasure." Laughed Mark.

"Gotta figure something out guys." Added Johnny.

"What should we do?" Asked Jaehyun looking around.

"Well you know Taeyong's temper." Replied Doyoung who was adjusting his bandage. Poor Doyoung had been burned by Taeyong couple days ago.

"Yikes that looks nasty." Commented Mark.

"No kidding." Agreed Lucas.

"Guys seriously, does anyone have an idea?" Asked Mark.

"I don't know...." Replied Johnny

"Well we gotta try something." Replied Mark, scratching his head.

"We cook something for him?" Suggested Jaehyun.

"And burn the kitchen?" Joked Mark.

"No." Replied Doyoung, shaking his head again.

"Anymore ideas?" Asked Mark.

"Let's just leave them be." Shrugged Johnny.

"But...." began Mark.

"Never mind, I'm starving!" Replied Johnny as Doyoung dragged the others to the dining hall of the palace.

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