Part Two

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Yvette Dwonch was in trouble!

It had been a long time since Maureen saw her. In fact, she was in her ninth regeneration at the time – that tall, handsome African American gentleman in the hoodie and necktie. Now she was going to rescue her as this young, glamourous Englishwoman who practically wore next to nothing in terms of general attire.

            "What're you doing?" She had entirely forgotten about Craig and his friends, who watched her prep the TARDIS to return to her home dimension

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"What're you doing?" She had entirely forgotten about Craig and his friends, who watched her prep the TARDIS to return to her home dimension. "How do you know how to operate Neas's TARDIS?"

Maureen momentarily considered dropping the charade, but she decided at the last minute to keep it going for Craig's sake. "He taught me," she fibbed to the nine-year-old.

"Well, for one thing, you're doing it all wrong," Craig told her.

Maureen bit her tongue, trying not to say something she'd regret. "Really now?"

"Yeah, and we can't leave without Neas," Craig specified. "He hasn't returned from wherever he is in our dimension."

His concern made up for that critical remark about her piloting skills. "Neas is more than capable of taking care of himself – believe me," Maureen reassured Craig, but her reassurance did nothing to quell the boy's defiance. As Maureen continued operating the controls, Craig leapt into action and sabotaged her inputs. "Oi! Stop!" She pulled him away from the controls, but by then the damage had already been done.

The takeoff was rough, with the entire ship quaking and knocking everyone off their feet. Had Maureen not acted fast and stabilized her TARDIS, they would've certainly been split into atoms and scattered all across the infinite dimensional corridor.

Despite Craig's sabotage, they still arrived at their destination: UNIT's Black Archive in the Tower of London.

Maureen had barely much time to gather herself when she noticed Craig leading his friends out of the TARDIS. "No! Craig! Wait!" She followed them out through the doors and into a large room where the Stargate that Kate Stewart mentioned was housed. Kate herself was there with her research team, and Maureen felt slightly ashamed for being the only other adult there that was underdressed.

 Kate herself was there with her research team, and Maureen felt slightly ashamed for being the only other adult there that was underdressed

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