day eight.

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it is November 26, 2014. 

One, if i could, i would nail these hands to the edges of stars. I would sacrifice this body to the sky, hoping to resurrect that someone spiteful enough to give a fuck about you. Two, staple me to a cross. Pierce my side with a broken promise and I will bleed all the crippled reasons why you deserve one more chance. Three, your bed smells like the last thing I was really good at. Four, You want to know how I got these scars, I ripped every last piece of you out of my smile. Five, I whispered you stardust.  Six, I spoke you into sunflowers. Seven, I dipped my hands into forever, touched your infinity, treated you as if you were the last molecule of oxygen inside of a gas chamber, I was good to you. EIGHT, you want to know how I got these scars. I swallowed my pride and then it clawed its way out of my mouth. Nine, I realize that I was never really your boyfriend. I was just your fucking hype man. Ten, I hope your next boyfriend gets smallpox. Ten, yes, I said smallpox. Ten, I hate you. Ten, I miss you. Ten, I love you. Ten, it's hard for me to count when I get emotional. Ten, I heard that 90% of human interactions are non-verbal so.... Ten, if I could I would tie your arms to a daydream and then auction you off to my fondest memories. See, I wrote this poem in my own spinal fluid. I'll put it on the backbone of a white flag so before you read it, you already know that I have given up. I'll just keep you here, shackled to the most important part of my life story, pressed into the basement of my eyelids like liquid salvation, so I remember you beautiful, with amazing underneath your wings and an orchid smile. You gorgeous earthquake. You cracked hourglass with sand spilling from behind your ribs. You wasted my time. How dare you linger on my lips and then kiss me like a stuttering apology with excuses stapled to the roof of your mouth. I still remember you like a dream, tattooed to the inner walls of a long term memory but some days, I wonder if you existed at all. And of course, you want to know how I got these scars. Fine. I'll tell you. I got these scars the day I fell in love with you. I landed face first. 

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