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I open the door to the house both of us enter and sit down on the couches. She wraps herself with the blanket and closes her eyes.

"I'm going to sleep." She says and I look at her.

"But it's morning."

"Did that ever stop me?" She turns to her other side and her back faces me. "No, it hasn't."

I look at my phone and see that I have to go to work in 2 hours. I stand up and change into my work uniform.

As I leave the house I look at the girl, "I'm going to work now, I won't be back till dark." I say then leave the house.

Since the house was in the forest it took at least an hour to get to my workplace and I work all day so I'm rarely at home.

Though she was a stranger I trusted her to be alone in my house, I mean she did live alone her whole life so how bad is it for her to be alone for a few hours.

The car key turns and the engine growls. I then make my way to the road and drive to work.


It was silent after the door closed. It was a familiar sound to me my whole life.

I hugged the pillow close to my body. It was a feeling that I never got. I try to sleep, closing my eyes but the sunlight shined on me, disturbing me.

So I got up, closing the window blinds then going back on the couch. I like sleeping in the dark, the less light the better for me.

I lay the blanket on me and close my eyes, quickly drifting off into darkness.

I regain consciousness as I open my eyes. Feeling refreshed I stand up from the couch, opening the window to see that I've slept the whole day, seeing the night sky.

Perfect, just like what I wanted. I looked around the house to see if Nayeon was here, but she wasn't. Even better.

I open the front door and breathe in the fresh air I always love. Being outside was my nature, I've been in this forest my whole life and I love it here, other than the people I met.

I close the door behind me, then start to run into the forest, sprinting forward and not looking back, not even knowing where I'm going. It was just me and the forest.

As I run I feel the wind blow against my hair. It was nice, being free in the woods at night. It was a feeling I thought I would lose when I almost died during that fight.

I continued to run, then getting interrupted by my stomach growling.

I stop running, now wondering where to get my next meal. I look around for anything. I sigh. I didn't know what to do.

So I kept running.


Nayeon POV

I was tired, it was a long day for me but all of that paperwork I did was done and I was able to go home.

The streetlights light up the street as I drive back to my comfortable house. I wonder how that girl is doing, is she still sleeping?

I should help her think of a name, I don't want to call her girl and she could feel more welcome if she has a name.

I yawn, I can't wait to get back home and sleep. Can't wait to see her. Not in that way, I'm not in love I just feel like she needs someone to be with.

In 40 minutes I reach the driveway of the house. I leave the car and open the door with my keys. Entering the warm house and hoping to see her on the couch.

But she wasn't.

I look around the living room, nothing. Then I walked to the kitchen, nothing. Then looking in every room in the house, but she wasn't here.

"Hello?" I yell, maybe she's hiding from me. "Come out now please!" I walk around the house yelling.

But all there was is silence.

Did she run away? I thought she was better than this. I thought she wanted to stay here, but I was wrong.

I ran outside, "Where are you?!" I yell putting my hands around my mouth. It was really dark outside. If she did run outside I don't think she will make it back.

I was worried, she never said anything. Is she dead? I hope not.

I make it back to the house, leaving the door unlocked incase if she comes back.

I sit on the couch, seeing her blanket and pillow still there. My leg shakes and I look out the window.

I open the window to get some fresh air, I look at the shining moon in the dark blue sky. A howl echoes through the forest, scaring me.

I hope she is ok. I would go out to find her but it was too dark, I could get lost there.

So the only thing I can do is wait, waiting for her to come back or wait till the sun rises so I can look for her.

Hours... It's been hours since she disappeared. Still no sign of her whatsoever.


I turned to the noise, it was the front door slamming open as she runs inside, panting.

I stood up and ran to her, she was naked, holding her clothes as she entered.

"What happened?! Are you ok?!" I was confused, angry at her, and worried for her.

"Sorry for being outside." She said out of breath.

"I can scold you later, just tell me what happened." I looked at her, there was blood on her body and face.

"I just wanted to be outside, I got chased."

"You're bleeding!"

"It's fine, I'm ok." She says calmly.

"How are you fine? There's blood all over you!"

She wipes some of the blood off with her hand, "It's ok, I'm not injured."

"Then who's blood is that?"

She paused, like she didn't want to tell me at all. Like she was hiding something from me.

"Just clean all of that blood off." I point to the washroom and she goes there, turning on the shower and cleaning herself.

She is special for sure. I don't know if I should trust her, she could have killed someone, and I could be next.

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